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Centering Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:32 pm
by Vutall
The students are all brought into a dark storage room. The room has been emptied of anything save for a small altar with incense burning on it. The room is pitch black when the door is closed, and an eerie silence fills the air, not even the others movements or breaths being able to be heard.

Kitsuki Tai Yu then speaks from behind the altar, her voice crystalline clear.

"Today, we will delve deep into the mysteries of the void. Everything comes from it, and everything is bound by it. You must become one with this nothingness, let it envelop you and feel your connection to all things."

She then begins a guided meditation session with the students. The entire process takes up nearly every second of the allotted instruction time, though it feels as if only moments have passed when all is said and done.
Sensei: Kitsuki Tai Yu

All TNs are 6.

You may gain the bonus from Exceptional Rolls even if you do not have the skill.

You may call raises even if you do not have the skill. (Raises add +2 to the TN)

If you have unbalanced traits, say Mental 1 and Physical 2, you gain the difference between the traits as a straight bonus to this roll

Your dice explode even if you are unskilled in this event.

After each roll, you will be REQUIRED to put in Orokos what dice you kept from the roll before it. (If on Meditation / Air, I rolled a 9, 7, 4, 1 and I kept the ( 9 and 1, my Meditation / Earth roll description would be: D7 Goat, Meditation / Earth +1 from higher Willpower, 1 raise. Kept 9 and 1 from previous roll)

Meditation / Air
Meditation / Earth
Meditation / Fire
Meditation / Water
Meditation / Void

For participating in this event, you gain +1 Void
For participating in this event, you regain all of your Void points after you conduct all of your rolls.
If you make (and pass) a raise on all five rolls, you gain +1 Meditation
If you have a two explosions on the Meditation/Void roll, you gain the Enlightened Advantaged
If you pass the Meditation / Void roll and have two explosions, but overall fail more rolls than you pass, you gain the Enlightened Madness disadvantage (Either for the Meditation skill, or a ring that you failed)
If your Meditation / Void roll has three or more explosions and you used a Void Point on this roll, you gain the Touched by the Void disadvantage.
If the total of all of your rolls added together is evenly divisible by 5, you gain +1 Void and gain Kitsuki Tai Yu as a temporary ally to train you later in a skill they possess.

Re: Centering Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 9:50 pm
by Vutall
Example - FOLLOW THIS FORMAT EXACTLY. (note, the + higher attribute bonus is NOT in Orokos)

D7 Goat Meditation / Air +1 for higher Reflexes,1 raise: 3d10o10k2 8+1=9

D7 Goat Meditation / Earth +1 for higher Willpower, 1 raise. Kept 5 and 3 from previous roll: 3d10o10k2 10+1=11

D7 Goat Meditation / Fire +1 for higher Intelligence, 1 raise. Kept 6 and 4 from previous roll: 4d10o10k3 29+1=30

D7 Goat Meditation / Water +1 for higher Strength, 1 raise. Kept 12, 9 and 8 from previous roll: 3d10o10k2 14 9+1=10

D7 Goat Meditation / Void 1 raise, Void for +1k1. Kept 8 and 1 from previous roll: 4d10o10k3 29

Gained +1 Void for participating
Gained +1 Meditation for making a raise on all rolls
9+11+30+10+29=89. 89/5=17.8. Not divisible by 5, so no bonus Void.

Re: Centering Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 3:48 am
by Vutall
The following disadvantages are triggered during this event:

Compulsion: Naps (Failure of the Willpower roll means you fall asleep and cannot participate in the event)
-The darkness and silence of the room make you feel very sleepy.

Haunted (On the Meditation/Void roll)
As you attempt to become one with nothing, your ancestors become angry at you for abandoning your connection to them.

Lost Love (Triggers at the start of the event)
As you are being guided through the meditation, it reminds you of how your loved one would talk you to sleep.

Re: Centering Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:59 am
by Mai
Mai felt like the ocean. She was everywhere. She was everything. When she opened her eyes, she felt a new understanding.

D7 Goat Meditation / Air 1 raise: 4d10o10k2 17 9+8=17

D7 Goat Meditation / Earth +1 for higher Stanima, 1 raise. Kept 9 and 8 from previous roll: 4d10o10k2 11 6+5+1=12

D7 Goat Meditation / Fire +1 for higher Agility, 1 raise. Kept 6 and 5 from previous roll: 4d10o10k2 25 17+8+1=26

D7 Goat Meditation / Water, 1 raise. Kept 17 and 8 from previous roll: 5d10o10k3 20 9+6+5=20

D7 Goat Meditation / Void, 1 raise. Kept 9, 5 and 6 from previous roll Strength of Honor: 8d10ro1o10k2 17 8+7=15

17+12+26+20+15=90. 90/5=18. Divisible by 5, bonus Void gained.


+ 2 Void
+ 1 Meditation
+ 1 Kitsuki Tai Yu

Re: Centering Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:37 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
Ginkarasu spent the training deep in his head. It was strange, not being able to hear the sounds of people he was certain had to be around him.

How'd that work?

Where had they got the mochi today for lunch?

D7 Goat Meditation / Air 1 raise: 5d10o10k3 26 9+8+3 = 20
D7 Goat Meditation / Earth +1 for higher Stamina, 1 raise. Kept 9, 8, and 3 from previous roll: 5d10o10k3 20 8+8+3(+1)= 20
D7 Goat Meditation / Fire 1 raise. Kept 8, 8, and 3 from previous roll: 3d10o10k1 17 17 = 17
D7 Goat Meditation / Water 1 raise. Kept 17 from previous roll: 5d10o10k3 18 5+4+1 = 10
D7 Goat Meditation / Void 1 raise, Honor for +2k0, Kept 5, 4, and 1 from previous roll: 5d10o10k1 12 12 = 12

Gained +1 Void for participating
Gained +1 Meditation for making a raise on all rolls.
20+20+17+10+12=79. Not divisible by 5, so no bonus Void or Sensei training.

Re: Centering Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:54 am
by Asako Saburo
In the Darkness, Saburo was forced to face that which he most dreaded. The very notion that something within him was lacking, something was wrong with him, incomplete. A hole within the mind, within the soul, it threatened his existence to constantly feel the burning, yearning, desperation for perfection, for a completion he had never felt in his entire...


He was trying too hard. He was holding onto the notion that this was a contest, a thing earned, a thing practiced, mastered, perfected. It was not. It was not a thing that could be comprehended. Countless times he had told others this very statement, that the void could not be understood and yet how many times had he tried to encapsulate it, contain it, explain it to himself, pin it down. Meditation was a skill that could be controlled. With honor as his guide, he could...


That was where he was wrong. What was honor in the face of the wholeness of creation? It was meaningless.
What was strength in the face of the ebb and the flow of the elements? This too was meaningless.
What was training, skill and harnessing of one's inner chi in the face of that which is and is not? This too was meaningless.
What was weakness? Merely a word, a meaningless, useless word, and in weakness there was strength.
Who was Saburo? Saburo was meaningless.

He blinked when the exercise was suddenly ended, looking around for just a moment. He looked down at his hands and... for some reason, he looked like he was smiling. "Hah," he whispered. "I have no idea what I just experienced."


Required Rolls:
D7 Goat Meditation / Air +1 for higher Awareness,1 raise: 8+6+1 = 15
D7 Goat Meditation / Earth +1 for higher Stamina, 1 raise. Kept 8 and 6 from previous roll: 8+4+1 = 13
D7 Goat Meditation / Fire, 1 raise. Kept 8 and 4 from previous roll: 8+3+3 = 14
D7 Goat Meditation / Water +1 for higher Perception, 1 raise. Kept 8, 3 and 3 from previous roll: 7+6+1 = 14
D7 Goat Meditation / Void 1 raise, Honor Roll for +4k0. Kept 7 and 6 from previous roll: 4

Total Rolled: 15+13+14+14+4 = 60/5 = 12

Net Result:
+1 Void for Participation
+1 Bonus Void for Final Result divisible by 5 (60)
+1/1 Ally: Kitsuki Tai Yu
-0.2 Honor (For use of Low Skill/Failed Honor Roll)
Regain all Spent Void Points

Re: Centering Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 10:19 am
by Utaku Ichiro
Ichiro settled into position and began his meditation. It was strange to him how easily it came to him. The same as it had come so easily when he reached out to the elements before combat training. Each was always there, waiting for him, ready for him to draw on their strength.

For a moment he could almost picture them dancing, swirling, joining together into one then fading away into nothingness yet something greater still.

His mind plunged down into that stillness that was yet the constant dance of the elements. The emptiness that was all things. Though his mind was in a place of no-thought it was almost like he could feel things being stripped away... no not quite stripped away... purified and concentrated. For a moment there was the image of the strange crystal they had found. Strong and durable yet more beautiful for its imperfections... its cuts and facets that let the light refract and magnify and radiate.

So too were his own flaws laid bare but not as chastisement. His rivalry with his sister, growing from anger and pettiness, crystallized to motivation. Her successes pushing him to improve and surpass and his own doing the same for her. Driving each to new and greater heights they may never have reached alone. Shaping them into not just better warriors but heroes for their clan in the time to come.

His anger and rage - his impetuous rush to action - were a drive to justice and rightness not yet under his control and sometimes directed at wrong targets. But he was still but the seed crystal. Still growing and forming. With time he would control those emotions. Control those reactions. Turn them against only those that deserved righteous wrath and extend his other hand, of mercy and fairness, to others - as he already tried to do... even if he did not always succeed.

He remains down in the depths of the void for what feels like both an eternity and yet only a blink of an eye as his eyes open to a new world, a new sight, and a new place within it.

(D7 Goat Meditation / Air +1 for higher Reflexes,1 raise: 3d10o10k2 26+1=27

D7 Goat Meditation / Earth +2 for higher Stamina, 1 raise. Void for +1k1. Kept 25 and 1 from previous roll: 3d10o10k2 8+2=10

D7 Goat Meditation / Fire +2 for higher Agility, 1 raise. Kept 7 and 1 from previous roll: 3d10o10k2 8+2=10

D7 Goat Meditation / Water +1 for higher Strength, 1 raise. Kept 4 and 4 from previous roll: 3d10o10k2 7+1=8

D7 Goat Meditation / Void 1 raise, Void for +1k1. Kept 6 and 1 from previous roll: 4d10o10k3 40 (Keeping 25, 9, and 6)

Gained +1 Void for participating
Gained +1 Meditation for making a raise on all rolls
2 Explosions on Meditation/Void gain Enlightened
27+10+10+8+40=95. 95/5=19. Divisible by 5, so bonus Void and Kitsuki Tai Yu as temporary ally)

Re: Centering Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 10:44 am
by Zashi
"Alright...we are meditating, right?" Zashi sits down, slowly breathing. Air was easiest, the air and life and mischief that was in everything flowing through his body. His breath calms, the air keeping him fresh. The next stage was Earth, feeling the root and stability of the world bolster him, the grit and determination that was necessary to keep the iron will from, well, that thing earlier. That root of will was there now, settling and planting the young Fox.Fire seemed to explode, air fueling life and passion, and growth. It came in a torrent, and Zashi reveled in the sensation.

And then came Water.

And there was nothing.

No life, no liveliness, all stillness and reflection and it just. Didn't. Come. The sensation of stillness and zen ended. Things were slipping away from him.


There was a need. Zashi's honor demanded it. He had to get back on track. Without thinking, he puts everything into the connection to the spirit. The Void answers, a pure presence that defies explanation in any human tongue. Zashi could feel himself coming into alignment, the Void filling in the gaps. It wasn't a proper, perfect balance...but life wasn't balanced. There were so many things in between, and that is where he would thrive.

Zashi opens his eyes to see Kitsuki Tai Yu standing over him, a curious expression on her face.

"Zashi-san, I think you need to see me for some lessons. Your meditation needs...let's call it "work" but it appears you have some potential"
D7 Goat Meditation / Air +,1 raise (redoing because of mistake: 3d10o10k3 9
D7 Goat Meditation / Earth+,1 raise; keeping 6, 2 and 1 from previous roll: 3d10o10k3 26
D7 Goat Meditation / Fire, +1 for Higher Agility, 1 raise; keeping 11, 8 and 7 from previous roll: 2d10o10k2 28
D7 Goat Meditation /Water, 1 raise; keeping 19 and 9 from previous roll, VP spent for 1k1: 2d10o10k2 4
D7 Goat Meditation / Void, 1 raise, keeping 2 and 2 from previous roll,+4k0 from Honor: 6d10o10k2 13 (Keeping 7 and 6 from the roll to get divisible by 5
9+26+28+4+13=80. 80/5= 16

+2 Void
Kitsuki Tai-yu Ally

Re: Centering Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:04 am
by Asako Sanzo
And so Sanzo was to meditate.

He had done it many times before, but was quite different. First, he started with Air. Unsurprisingly, it was a very comfortable element for the Asako who was apparently known to be a gregarious fellow. Next was Earth, the most recent element to receive his training's focus. While he maintained his meditative state, it was much less familiar territory to him than the flow of Air or emptiness of Void. Still, he sat still as stone. Next, to Fire, he considered his current predicament, the need for ambition and hunger, and whether or not he could harmoniously balance that with his sense of contentment. After Fire came Water, whose flow and amorphousness was close enough to Air that it felt familiar enough. Finally, Void. All things and no things. Sanzo certainly had some imbalances, but they all seemed to come together to form a wholeness that balanced out.

The Asako opens his eyes, a sense of serenity now about him.

Crunchy Bits:

D7 Goat Meditation/Air +1 for higher Awareness, 1 raise: 3d10o10k2 27 +1 = 28
D7 Goat Meditation/Earth +1 for higher Stamina, 1 raise. Kept 19 and 8 from previous roll: 3d10o10k2 8 +1 = 9
D7 Goat Meditation/Fire +2 for higher Agility, 1 raise. Kept 6 and 2 from previous roll: 3d10o10k2 13 + 2 = 15
D7 Goat Meditation/Water, 1 raise. Kept 7 and 6 from previous roll: 3d10o10k2 11 +0 = 12
D7 Goat Meditation/Void, 1 raise, Voiding & Honor Roll. Kept 8 and 3 from previous roll: 9d10o10k3 28 (keeping 13, 8, & 6 = 27)

28 + 9 + 15 + 12 + 27 = 90 /5 = 18


+1 Meditation for making raises
+1 Void for participation
+1 Void for making the total divisible by 5
+1/1 Ally: Kitsuki Tai Yu

Re: Centering Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:09 am
by Kuni Yotsuo
When the darkness falls with the closing of the doors, Yotsuo feels comfortable. He is alone within himself and it is a familiar feeling. He focuses inward and follows along with the guidance as each of the elements is evoked within him. Each one is a simple matter for him, as he has gained much more skill with meditation in his time here. He knew it was a vital skill for him but he did not allow that to be a stressful pressure. With each passing moment his mind focused through the elements invoking imagery of himself in different forms, not unlike what he did when he prepared to enter into the different spirit realms. Except this time he was focused on stepping into the Void. When he finally found himself empty among emptiness he knew he had reached the point the sensei had been directing them towards. There was nothing overtly profound like when the Oracle had spoken to him, but there was still a sense of purpose and peace that he found in that moment. When the lights returned, filtering through his eyelids, he opened his eyes and felt calm. He knew himself much better than previous days, and that was enough for him. No great insights were needed... just this.


D7 Goat Meditation / Air +1 for higher Awareness, 1 Raise, TN 8: 5d10o10k2+1 18 17 + 1 = 18

D7 Goat Meditation / Earth +1 for higher Willpower, 1 raise. Kept 9 and 8 from previous roll: 5d10o10k2+1 25 24 + 1 = 25

D7 Goat Meditation / Fire +1 for higher Intelligence, 1 raise. Kept 18 and 6 from previous roll: 6d10o10k3+1 15 14 + 1 = 15

D7 Goat Meditation / Water +1 for higher Perception, 1 raise, Void Point +1k1. Kept 6, 5 and 3 from previous roll: 5d10o10k2+1 19 18 + 1 = 19

D7 Goat Meditation / Void 1 raise, Void for +1k1, Honor for +5k0. Kept 9 and 9 from previous roll: 10d10o10k3 28 14 +9 + 5 = 28

18 + 25 + 15 + 19 + 28 = 105/5 = 21 Divisible by 5, +1 Bonus Void

+2 Void, +1 Meditation, Gain Kitsuki Tai Yu as temporary Ally

Re: Centering Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:17 am
by Kaito Haruki
Off in the distant, the sound of a thousand sandals clacking, all in perfect synchronization. You could keep perfect count with them, but that many can't be possible, unless . . . Over the mountainside that Haruki calls home, there is rumored to be portals to multiple different realms. Perhaps one of them is to his honored ancestors, couldn't hurt to try right? The distance great, Haruki started to run, a full on sprint was the only way to get there before it closes. He was going to show his family he meant to make them proud, his passion fueling his steps. Soon, he had to manage a long and winding path, but Haruki knows how to do that, he's been trained to do so all his life. Only one step left, and it even has a roadsign. One way leads to Yomi, where his honored ancestors live, the other to Sakakku, where the tengu live. Before he even had time to consider his options, he heard a voice.

I did not come all this way, choose to marry down, and give up any chance of leading armies I had, just for you to ignore it now. You're SOO close to what I have labored over, what my father studied for, and what my grandfather DREAMED of. And what do you wanna do, THROW IT ALL AWAY just so you can join your relatives? WHAT ABOUT MINE?

Kakita Hiroto-Shiryo was misguided, Haruki did not intend to stay there. Maybe he wouldn't even go there, just see what it was like for a bit. A booming voice coming through, uncertain of who it was, but Haruki wasn't going to even bother speaking to his ancestors. Ah, . . . my boy, I see you are doing us proud. Now the trick to your potential is to. . . TAP, No Spoilers, here have a cookie and head home young one.

D7 Goat Meditation / Air +1 for higher Reflexes, 1 raise: 4d10o10k2 22+1=23
D7 Goat Meditation / Earth +1 for higher Stamina, 1 raise. Kept 16 and 6 from previous roll: 4d10o10k2 17+1=18
D7 Goat Meditation / Fire, 1 raise. Kept 12 and 5 from previous roll: 5d10o10k3 22
D7 Goat Meditation / Water +1 for higher Perception, 1 raise, Kept 9, 9, and 4 from previous roll: 4d10o10k2 17+1=18
D7 Goat Meditation /Void 1 raise, Void for +1k1, Haunted Disadvantage -1k1, Strength of Honor +5k0, Kept 9 and 8 from previous roll: 8d10o10k1 9
90/5=18, Extra bonus received and all rolls passed

+1 Meditation
+2 Void
Kituski Sensei Temporary Ally

Re: Centering Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 12:07 pm
by Moto Ichiro
Ichiro sits as he had many times before and waits, his mind is tumultuous as ever for awhile going back and forth sometimes clear sometimes worries and images burst into his head.

After sometime he feels the peace settle over him and he finally feels the void, his mind settles and for a few moments he is fully at peace.

Kitsuki-sensei notices his more calm center and requests more individual tutoring later.

D7 goat centering meditation/air 1 raise tn 8: 3d10o10k2 17

D7 goat centering meditation/earth +1 1 raise tn 8 kept 12 and 5: 2d10o10k1 4+1=5

D7 goat centering meditation/fire +2 1 raise tn 8 kept 4: 3d10o10k2 18+2=20

D7 goat centering meditation/water 1 raise tn 8 kept 9 and 9: 4d10o10 23

D7 goat centering meditation/void +honor 1 raise tn 8 kept 8 1 9 5: 5d10o10k1 8

+2 void
Sensei ally

Re: Centering Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 12:57 pm
by Bayushi Jiro
While his performance, if judged as an adult, was below average, Bayushi Jiro proved yet again that his greatest success game from his attunement to the elements of Fire and Air. He was, in essence, a Scorpion. And a Scorpion he would remain, but a Scorpion with a much deeper sense of power than he had before, and a significantly quicker connection to his center. He had become infinitely more dangerous.

D7 Goat Meditation / Air +1 for higher Awareness: 3d10o10k2: 9+6(+1)=16 Success

D7 Goat Meditation / Earth. Kept 9 and 6 from previous roll: 2d10o10k1=11 Success

D7 Goat Meditation / Fire. Kept 11 from previous roll: 4d10o10k3: 14, 9, 3=26 Success

D7 Goat Meditation / Water. Kept 14, 9 and 3 from previous roll: 3d10o10k2 8, 6=14 Success

D7 Goat Meditation / Void, Honor roll for +2k0. Kept 8 and 6 from previous roll: 4d10o10k1=8 Success

16+11=27(+26)=53(+14)=67+8=75/5=25. +2 Void, +1/1 ally: Kitsuki Tai Yu

Re: Centering Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 2:05 pm
by Kakita Kazuko
As Kazuko is reminded of her mother while listening to Kitsuki sensei, she finds herself remembering how her mother would read stories to lull her to sleep. Before, she was almost excited to be able to center herself and improve her dueling skills. Now, she can't wait to get out of the storage room as it starts to feel claustrophobic with the humidity. She manages to slip into a trance despite how restless she is, but not the kind the sensei wants. In it, she fantasizes about finding her mother and gaining enough glory to impress her father, finally reuniting her broken family and bringing the warmth back into it. She's only able to break out when she realizes that the meditation is about to come to an end, trying three times as hard to make up for her lack of focus earlier and only then noticing her tears dripping down her chin. As the door to the storage room opens, Kazuko makes sure that she's the first one out, pushing past a couple students and hastily wiping her face with the sleeve of her kimono.


TN: 6 (Base) + 5 (Lost Love) = 11 (13 if Raised)
Meditation / Air - D7 Goat Meditation / Air +1 for higher Awareness, 1 raise: 2d10o10k2 15+1=16 Success.
Meditation / Earth - D7 Goat Meditation / Earth +1 for higher Stamina, 1 raise. Kept 9 and 6 from previous roll.: 2d10o10k2 9+1=10 Fail.
Meditation / Fire - D7 Goat Meditation / Fire +1 for higher Agility, 1 raise. Kept 5 and 4 from previous roll.: 2d10o10k2 11+1=12 Fail.
Meditation / Water - D7 Goat Meditation / Water +2 for higher Perception, 1 raise. Kept 3 and 8 from previous roll.: 1d10o10k1 7+2=9 Fail.
Meditation / Void - D7 Goat Meditation / Void 1 raise, Void, Honor, and Bond for +8k1. Kept 7 from previous roll.: 9d10o10k2 16 Kept 8+5 for 13. Success

Result: +2 Void, +Kitsuki Tai Yu Ally

Re: Centering Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 2:14 pm
by Otomo Nobuko
Nobuko found herself having trouble reaching into her own earth, but overall felt very calm and collected and... at peace... and... content with her place in the world, after the session was over.


D7 Goat Meditation / Air +1 for higher Awareness,1 raise: 2d10o10k2 13 +1=14
D7 Goat Meditation / Earth, 1 raise. Kept 9 and 4 from previous roll: 1d10o10k1 2
D7 Goat Meditation / Fire +2 for higher Intelligence, 1 raise. Kept 2 from previous roll: 2d10o10k2 6 +2=8
D7 Goat Meditation / Water, 1 raise. Kept 5 and 1 from previous roll: 2d10o10k2 12
D7 Goat Meditation / Void 1 raise, Honor for +5k0. Kept 7 and 5 from previous roll: 6d10o10k1 13

Gain +1 Void for Participation
Failed to made raises on all rolls: No bonus Meditation
14+2+8+12+13= 49/5=9.8, Not divisible by 5: No bonus Void
2 explosions on Meditation/Void: Gain Enlightened Advantage

Re: Centering Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 2:34 pm
by Kaiu Aiichiro
He entered the dark room with a boyish grin, his mind imagining that it was a scene from one of those horror stories. Not the scary shadowlands ones, but the nicer ones his father told him when he asked how to be a game of one hundred candles pro.
He sat on the designed futon, no one familiar by his side. Trying again to get immersed by the voice of the guided meditation like Yotsuo tried to do with him before, he rhythmized his breathing and got into the right pose, letting the sensei's voice fill him from his ear until it and his body were one.
The Kitsuki's voice was awfully familiar. Not only in tone and pace but also in cadence. It reminded him of simpler days. He felt like returning to the past, almost ignoring the words Kitsuki-sensei said and only letting himself go from them. And he was younger. Should not be even six, and was caughting up sleep. He was ten, it was the Cherry Blossom festival, and someone he loved could come to visit him this one. He remembered feeling frustrated when this happened and he wanted to pass the festival with his friends instead.
How absolutely selfish and ungrateful.
And this single moment of a negative thought turned everything also negative. He never really appreciated. He never looked forward for those moments. He thought that everything would be eternal at this time, and it only took one single gesture of duty for nothing ever to be the same again.
He would die only to feel the music again. To smell the summer so vividly again. To look at autumn piles with this awe look. But after the worst happened, everything became only a scenario.
This was when, as a saving hand, an imaginary force snared around his mind like a snake and pushed him back to reality.
It was when the sensei said "Focus."
Void Pont: Neutralize Lost Love

D7 Goat Meditation / Air, 1 raise: 2d10k2 9
D7 Goat Meditation / Earth +1 for higher Willpower, 1 raise. Kept 6 and 3 from previous roll: 2d10k2+1 5
D7 Goat Meditation / Fire +1 for higher Intelligence. Kept 3 and 1 from previous roll: 2d10k2+1 9
D7 Goat Meditation / Water +1 for higher Strength. Kept 3 and 5 from previous roll: 2d10k2+1 11
D7 Goat Meditation / Void. Kept 3 and 7 from previous roll: 1d10o10k1 1

9+5+9+11+1 = Divisible by 5.
Total Rewards: +2 Void and Kitsuki ally.

Re: Centering Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 2:49 pm
by Matsu Qiang
At first Matsu Qiang had to hide a smile as the “Goat Meditation” class was announced. He knew it wasn’t meant that way, but how absurd it sounded! As the Lion sat down in lotus position, he decided, why not? He would meditate on goats.

Qiang imagined the goats frolicking around on a mountainside. After a few minutes of quiet contemplation, he came to a deep insight: the goat was actually a very enlightened animal. The goat had to maintain perfect balance as it perched on the steep mountainside, and despite the difficult terrain, it could find beautiful flowers on those rocky slopes. And eat them … becoming one with them!

Surely, Qiang thought, if he could be more like the noble goat, he could achieve oneness with the void….

D7 Goat Meditation / Air 1 raise: 4d10o10k2 25
D7 Goat Meditation / Earth 1 raise. Void for +1k1, Kept 19 and 6 from previous roll: 4d10o10k2 21
D7 Goat Meditation / Fire +1 for higher Agility, 1 raise. Kept 14 and 7 from previous roll: 4d10o10k2 22+1 = 23
D7 Goat Meditation / Water +1 for higher Perception, 1 raise. Kept 16 and 6 from previous roll: 5d10o10k3 31+1 = 32
D7 Goat Meditation / Void 1 raise. Strength of Honor for +6k0, Kept 16, 9 and 6 from previous roll: 10d10o10k2 9 (keeping a 7 and a 2)

Gained +1 Void for participating
Gained +1 Meditation for making a raise on all rolls
25+21+23+32+9 = 110. 110/5=22. Divisible by 5, so bonus +1 Void and gain Kitsuki sensei ally.

Re: Centering Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 4:40 pm
by Kakita Kenji
Kenji was not necessarily known for his extensive meditation sessions. For him it was a good way to keep his emotions in check. When he was led into the Dark Room with the other students, he sat down next to Kazuko and followed the instructions of Kitsuki-Sensei and listened to her voice.

During the meditation he could feel the imbalance within his soul, he saw the weaknesses and strengths in her, at least that's what he believed.

For him the time passed slower, heavier than usual. It was an almost magical experience.

When it was over, he wanted to talk to Kazuko about it but saw her leaving the room quickly. Worried, he looked after her.

D7 Centering Meditation/Air +1Raise TN8 +1 for higher Reflexes: 3d10o10k2+1 8
D7 Centering Meditation/Earth +1Raise TN8 Keep 4 and 3 from previous roll: 4d10o10k3 19
D7 Centering Meditation/Fire +1Raise TN8 +2 from high Agility Keep 7,6&6 from previous roll: 3d10o10k2+2 12
D7 Centering Meditation/Water+1Raise TN8 +1 from higher Strength Keep 5&5 from previous roll: 2d10o10k1+1 29
D7 Centering Meditation/Void+1Raise TN8 keeping 28 from preivous roll: 2d10o10k1 7

8+19+12+29+7 = 75; 75/5 = 15

+1 Mediation
+2 Void
+ Ally Kitsuki

Re: Centering Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 4:48 pm
by Iuchi Prashant
Prashant walked into Tai Yu's meditation training oscillating between uncertainty and calm confidence.

Centering himself was an important part of his training - and it was an important part of who he was. Or who he felt he was bound to be.
And he 'had' dedicated himself to that training. He had done so while in the Unicorn lands. He pondered on Shinsei's writings often, and he was used to using that as a base on which to centre himself.

He had sought Kitsuki Tai Yu for further practice on how to center himself. He remembered her lessons clearly. They had helped him often during his time here.

Still, he often felt he had a hard time finding his centre.

But as he entered the room and smelled the incense, it didn't take long for his uncertainty to yield. If he had doubts, this was the time to let them go. This was one further chance to learn. To practice. To find his center. To find out more about who he was to be.

He sat down and heard the familiar voice of Kitsuki sensei start the meditation practice. It took no more than a few seconds for him to focus on his breathing and calm it almost to a halt.

Body. Mind. Calm one. The other will follow

So it did.

He was in his homeland. Soaring over the fields, one with the green grasslands and the mountain. He was the flames in the bonfire, keeping his clansmen warm and nourished. He was the water in their caskets, the rain falling on the grass, helping it grow.

He was the sky above them. He could see the whole of the Iuchi lands. He could see the way between there and Otosan Uchi. He could see the bay of the Sun, the river of the sun feeding onto the city. He could see the haunted walls of the inner city, those Nesrin had told him about.

Those he had had no time to see while he was in the city.

He saw the other students, saw something like lines forming between them as bonds were forged among them.

He saw the dojo. Rather, he felt it. He felt everyone around him.

It all made sense like it never did before.

One must first understand the question, Kitsuki-sensei had said.

He opens his eyes to the end of the session feeling strange, but at the same time strangely right.

The question. He felt as if he had finally found some understanding of what it was.


D7 Goat Meditation/ Air, 1 Raise called, TN 8.: 6d10o10k2 38 - (Dice 29, 9, 7, 5, 4, 2)
D7 Goat Meditation/ Earth, + 1 for higher Stamina, 1 Raise called, TN 8. Kept 29 + 9 from previous roll (Total 38): 6d10o10k2 13 + 1 = 14. (Dice 7, 6, 5, 3, 3, 2)
D7 Goat Meditation/ Fire, + 2 for higher Intelligence, 1 Raise, TN 8. Kept 7 + 6 from previous roll (Total 13+1 = 14; Total sum 52): 6d10o10k2 29 + 2 = 31. (Dice 24, 5, 5, 4, 2, 1)
D7 Goat Meditation/ Water, + 1 for higher Perception, 1 Raise, TN 8. Kept 24 + 5 from previous roll (Total 29+2 = 31; Total sum 83): 6d10o10k2 27 + 1 = 28. (Dice 18, 9, 6, 6, 3, 2)
D7 Goat Meditation/ Void. VP for +1k1. 1 Raise, TN 8. Kept 18 + 9 from previous roll (Total 27+1 = 28; Total sum 111): 6d10o10k2 33 (Dice 24, 9, 8, 7, 6, 2). Keeping 8 + 6 = 14

+1 Void for participating
+1 Meditation for making a Raise on all rolls
38 (Air) + 14 (Earth) + 31 (Fire) + 28 (Water) + 14 (Void) = 125/5 = 25. Divisible by 5, so bonus +1 Void Gained. (Oddly enough, the result is divisible by 5 twice again o_O)
Divisible by 5, so Kitsuki Tai Yu as (1/1) ally again!
Two explosions on Meditation/ Void (24 - not kept but it's there!), so Prash reaches Enlightenment :shock: .

Re: Centering Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:51 pm
by Toritaka Sasaiko
Sasaiko moves through the exercise, and she seems to be doing well--until near the end, when something is just slightly off. She succeeds, and she is more confident in her abilities, but she knows she has missed something...again.

(Meditation / Air, Raise to TN 8, passed at 8, (rolled 4,3,5, keeping 3 and 5; miscoded, but irrelevant to result)
Meditation / Earth, Raise to TN 8, passed at 12, (rolled 4,3,8, keeping 4 and 8)
Meditation / Fire, Raise to TN 8, passed at 20, (rolled 6,2,14, keeping 6 and 14)
Meditation / Water, Raise to TN 8, passed at 9, (rolled 2,6,11, keeping 2 and 6, adding 1 for imbalance)
Meditation / Void, Raise to TN 8, passed at 20, (rolled 4,1,4,12, keeping 4, 4, and 12 because the math will not work for me...)

+1 Void
+1 Meditation)