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Deck Swabbin' (Open)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:49 pm
by Kokyou
Kokyou had the mop on his hand again and moved quickly across the dojo leaving no stop unswabbed. Of course, he used more water than the usual, but he wanted to make sure everything would be sparkling clean

Re: Deck Swabbin' (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 2:44 am
by Asako Saburo
Oh for the love of the kami. He used so much water that it was going to take forever and they were going to have cranes falling all over him again. Saburo sighed silently in irritation and was busily thumping along the floor, drying it with the cloth in the traditional fashion while he got water everywhere. Ironically, the end result was that, just as Kokyou wished, the floor was actually going to be clean, even if Saburo was mentally fuming about it in his head the whole time.

Still, he was in a calmer mood from his session with Himeko earlier. It had cleared some of what was in there out finally.

Re: Deck Swabbin' (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 2:52 am
by Kokyou
Kokyou runs tangentially to Saburo, sending a wave of mopped water his way.

"How ye're farin', skin-n-bones?" He says while the pitch of his voice changes due crossing paths.

Re: Deck Swabbin' (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 4:45 am
by Asako Saburo
He picked up the pace to avoid the worst of it. "You're cleaning the floor, Kokyou, not me. I will visit the baths shortly," he grunted out. "And I am perfectly fit at the moment. The weather is currently more to my tastes as a rule." As he moved, he maintained his pace, cleaning back and over the portion of the floor that was wet again, leaving behind a shine in the process.

Re: Deck Swabbin' (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 4:56 am
by Kakita Kazuko
Kazuko enters, initially planning on helping clean the dojo as she feels a bit guilty skipping out a few times (It's not her fault she was lured out by the promise of treasure and glory!). Besides, if Kokyou of all people helps (?) out regularly, she can make the effort too. She's reconsidering her options upon seeing how much water was everywhere though.

"... Did this place flood or something? What happened here?"

Regardless, she made the trip here and there's only 2 other students here, one of which is Kokyou so her help is definitely required. She sighs internally as she goes to grab a mop while trying to avoid slipping on the worst of the wet parts.

Re: Deck Swabbin' (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 5:32 am
by Kokyou
"The greatest moppin' this ship ever received. That's wha' happenin' here." Kokyou mentions, taking a better look at Kazuko.

Noticing they haven't met before. He stops bows with a flourished hand. "A pleasure t' meet ye, adorable."

Re: Deck Swabbin' (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 6:27 am
by Kakita Kazuko
Kokyou wrote:
Sat Jul 11, 2020 5:32 am
"The greatest moppin' this ship ever received. That's wha' happenin' here." Kokyou mentions, taking a better look at Kazuko.

Noticing they haven't met before. He stops bows with a flourished hand. "A pleasure t' meet ye, adorable."
"This is just my intuition but I think this 'ship' might have a leak as it is taking on more water than most that are out at sea..."

Noticing that they have indeed met before, Kazuko looks at him confusedly. She wouldn't put it past him to not be blackout drunk after discovering the underground Zokujin city, but he's probably just pretending. She rolls her eyes at his silliness, equally amused as she is annoyed.

"Oh, stop it with your antics and focus on mopping, Kokyou."


(didn't we meet on the treasure hunt event?)

Re: Deck Swabbin' (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 6:31 am
by Kokyou
Kokyou circles the mop around as if it were a yari and stomps its end on the floor. With a smile, he notices she addressed him without the often used honorifics and replies "Aye, me sweet lady Kakita."

Even if it was not intentional, it was a victory for him.

(if they did, Kokyou doesn't remember such a beauty. He's a grown man, now... almost)

Re: Deck Swabbin' (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 6:35 am
by Asako Saburo
He rolled his eyes at the 'beautiful' commentary, shaking his head while Kokyou's attention was on Kazuko. He gave her a sympathetic, if creepily jaundiced look. "Kakita-san," he said in a bow before shrugging. "We'll get this excess water up quickly enough. You are an associate of Kenji, are you not?" He vaguely remembered seeing her in the various testings and remembered Kenji mentioning a Kakita he couldn't look bad in front of. This must have been here.

"Since we've not been formally introduced, Asako Saburo." And with a grunt, he was running with the cloth again. God, so much water.

Re: Deck Swabbin' (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 6:48 am
by Kakita Kazuko
Asako Saburo wrote:
Sat Jul 11, 2020 6:35 am
He rolled his eyes at the 'beautiful' commentary, shaking his head while Kokyou's attention was on Kazuko. He gave her a sympathetic, if creepily jaundiced look. "Kakita-san," he said in a bow before shrugging. "We'll get this excess water up quickly enough. You are an associate of Kenji, are you not?" He vaguely remembered seeing her in the various testings and remembered Kenji mentioning a Kakita he couldn't look bad in front of. This must have been here.

"Since we've not been formally introduced, Asako Saburo." And with a grunt, he was running with the cloth again. God, so much water.
Kazuko is pleased that she's not the only one trying to seriously clean up the mess here. She feels a bit uncomfortable being stared at by his jaundiced eyes which is part of the reason why she hasn't really paid much attention to him throughout her stay here but is able to ignore it for the most part. He can't be that bad of a person if he's friends with Kenji but that doesn't change the fact that his sickly stare is unnerving to say the least.

"I am Kakita Kazuko, pleased to make your acquaintance. That is an astute observation, Saburo-san, are you friends with him too?"

Re: Deck Swabbin' (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 6:51 am
by Kokyou
"Skin-n-bones be heartie wit' hisself mostly. Well, 'n me. But he doesn't recognize it." Kokyou says, moving closer to Kazuko while dashing in water... literally.

Re: Deck Swabbin' (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 7:32 am
by Asako Saburo
"Not how I would phrase it, Kokyou but not entirely inaccurate. Kakita Kenji and I have only met recently, but we are positively associated," Saburo said, nodding as he worked. "He seems a good, solid participant in the events here, and I am certain he will be a fine example of his schools techniques soon. I am looking forward to competing against him at the Topaz tournament in due course."

Re: Deck Swabbin' (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 8:00 am
by Kakita Kazuko
Kokyou wrote:
Sat Jul 11, 2020 6:51 am
"Skin-n-bones be heartie wit' hisself mostly. Well, 'n me. But he doesn't recognize it." Kokyou says, moving closer to Kazuko while dashing in water... literally.
(ooc: roll your jiujutsu/attack when u get the chance so i can roll my contested defense/reflex to avoid your splashing >:C )

Re: Deck Swabbin' (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 8:05 am
by Kokyou
"I was natterin' about me, though." He says, as he stops.

(Kokyou wasn't planning on that, but... what the heck.)
D4, Here, Fluff Jiujutsu/Agility: 7d10o10k4 31

Re: Deck Swabbin' (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 10:51 am
by Kakita Kazuko
Asako Saburo wrote:
Sat Jul 11, 2020 7:32 am
"Not how I would phrase it, Kokyou but not entirely inaccurate. Kakita Kenji and I have only met recently, but we are positively associated," Saburo said, nodding as he worked. "He seems a good, solid participant in the events here, and I am certain he will be a fine example of his schools techniques soon. I am looking forward to competing against him at the Topaz tournament in due course."
"Better train hard then. Kenji is very strong and definitely will try his hardest to beat you! I look forward to watching you two compete but don't take it personally if I cheer for him."

Kazuko engages with some lightharted banter with Saburo before Kokyou comes sliding in, turning away from the wave but is unable to avoid getting the lower half of her kimono wet, gasping with the cold. Although it may have looked like Kokyou was just horsing around, Kazuko suspects part of the splashing was intentional. She sighs, more in exasperation than anger.

"Kokyou! ...san. Be more careful! ...Especially since I'm about to splash you back!"

She uses her mop to try and get some lighthearted revenge on Kokyou, trying to not get water on Saburo although he might already be wet from Kokyou.


D7 Hare Contested Defense/Reflex: 4d10o10k2 14
D7 Hare Contested Jiujutsu/Agility: 4d10o10k3 16

Re: Deck Swabbin' (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 8:02 pm
by Kokyou
Kokyou smirks as Kazuko splashes back at him. He tries to dodge, but water is not something he can actually escape from.

"Har! Ye scurvy wench." He chuckles loudly and assumes his stance. "I'll make this dojo floor even shinier moppin' it wit' yer pretty face."

D7, Hare, Fluff Contested Defense/Reflex TN 16: 6d10o10k3 14
D7, Hare, Fluff Initiative: 3d10o10k2 11

Re: Deck Swabbin' (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 8:38 pm
by Kakita Kazuko
Kokyou wrote:
Sat Jul 11, 2020 8:02 pm
Kokyou smirks as Kazuko splashes back at him. He tries to dodge, but water is not something he can actually escape from.

"Har! Ye scurvy wench." He chuckles loudly and assumes his stance. "I'll make this dojo floor even shinier moppin' it wit' yer pretty face."

D7, Hare, Fluff Contested Defense/Reflex TN 16: 6d10o10k3 14
D7, Hare, Fluff Initiative: 3d10o10k2 11
Kazuko wags her finger at you and puts on a cocky grin.

"Ah ah ah, careful now, you wouldn't want to accidentally get badly injured when I beat you now. How about a nice Iajutsu duel to first strike instead? Saburo-san can be the judge in case you - or I - try to cheat."

Despite claiming that she wants to duel you, she assumes a defensive stance and backs up in case you try to attack her first.


D7 Hare Initiative: 3d10o10k2 29 (got 2 explosions with only 3 dice why couldn't this happen to me on centering training o_0)

Re: Deck Swabbin' (Open)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 8:52 pm
by Kokyou
"Har! I be quite excited t' fair winds t' ye beat me up, adorable." He mentions, laughing. "But, I guess I'll be too much fer ye t' hold. If ye wants t' chicken out now. I'll understand. Ye're a pretty Crane maiden aft all. I'll let ye choose yer champion."

Kokyou taunts her into a grapple to subjugation match assuming a defensive stance to build speed for a potential future strike. He knows that an iaijutsu duel would definitely leave someone hurt. He doesn't back off from it, either.

Stance: Full Defense
D7, Hare, Fluff Defense/Reflexes: 6d10o10k3 35
ATN: 38 (20 + 35/2 Rounded up)
Initiative: 13 (11 +2 every turn if not 1st)

Re: Deck Swabbin' (Open)

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 12:09 am
by Asako Saburo
Saburo, by this point, had probably gotten at least a little water on himself. He took the cloths that he'd been using and was on the other side, squeezing out the water and watching the two of them do ... whatever it was that they were doing. His eyebrow was raised and 'skin and bones' definitely had a bit of judgment going on. "I'm definitely going to let the two of you clean this up in the long run, you know," he grunted, shaking his head. But, he wasn't trying to stop them at least.

Re: Deck Swabbin' (Open)

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:20 am
by Kakita Kazuko
Kokyou wrote:
Sat Jul 11, 2020 8:52 pm
"Har! I be quite excited t' fair winds t' ye beat me up, adorable." He mentions, laughing. "But, I guess I'll be too much fer ye t' hold. If ye wants t' chicken out now. I'll understand. Ye're a pretty Crane maiden aft all. I'll let ye choose yer champion."

Kokyou taunts her into a grapple to subjugation match assuming a defensive stance to build speed for a potential future strike. He knows that an iaijutsu duel would definitely leave someone hurt. He doesn't back off from it, either.

Stance: Full Defense
D7, Hare, Fluff Defense/Reflexes: 6d10o10k3 35
ATN: 38 (20 + 35/2 Rounded up)
Initiative: 13 (11 +2 every turn if not 1st)
"Ha! Are you afraid to lose to the pretty Crane maiden in a duel?"

Kazuko maintains her distance, still wary of any sort of trickery from the wily Mantis boy.


TNtbH in Defense: 19
(ooc: if u accept the duel then we can both enter the assessment stage but we both know you're scared ;) )