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Defense Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:30 pm
by Vutall
The students are all brought out onto the parade grounds and are paired off with an Imperial Ashigaru to go over defensive drills. Akodo Eiko barks out orders sternly, which are sharp, one word stances. In response, the students shift to their defensive stance and the ashigaru jab a blunt spear at them, slowly.
Sensei: Akodo Eiko
-The rules for this event are as follows: You will need to the following checks, all at TN6.

Players who have the following Disadvantages have these TN's increased by +2: Overconfident

Players who have the Quick advantage gain +1 to their rolls

Defense / Reflexes, to represent your ability to dodge a blow
Defense / Stamina, to represent your ability to weather hits and shrug off injuries
Defense / Agility, to represent your ability to use your weapon to block

--Gain +1 Dojo Point per passed roll
--Gain +1 to Defense skill if pass a roll with a raise (may use exceptional roll rule free raise for this, even if you do not have the skill). You may only gain this reward once.
--Gain +1 Stamina if make raise on ALL rolls (may use exceptional roll rule free raise for this, even if you do not have the skill)
--Special: If you have two dice explode on the Defense / Reflexes, Akodo Eiko will become a temporary 1/1 Ally to be called on at some point during your stay to train you further.

Re: Defense Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 11:16 am
by Kaiu Aiichiro
Today was the day he was supposed to give his best. Akodo-sensei was watching, after all. A Lion Clan rikugunshokan who said that they would keep an eye on him. Aiichirō looked at the Ashigaru. The same one he did the bushi trainings with.
He could brush off his pain and hits like a Crab, and proved himself good at sparring just like yesterday — the wooden blade on his hand almost guiding itself, calling him to other ways.
The warrior hidden on him was greater than the general. He fought like a Hida would fight — taking hits instead of dodging them to strike back with overwhelming force.

D5 • Dragon ~ Tactics Training: Defense/Reflexes TN 8 w/ Quick advantage and Void: 2d10k1 11* (Says Tactics but changes nothing so keeping it, also it should have been a 2d10 so the sum is 11)
D5 • Dragon ~ Defense Training: Defense/Stamina TN 8 w/ Quick: 2d10+1 8
D5 • Dragon ~ Defense Training: Defense/Agility TN 8 w/ Quick advantage: 2d10+1 18

+1 Defense
+3 Dojo Points
+1 Stamina

Re: Defense Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 11:54 am
by Bayushi Jiro
Bayushi Jiro presented himself for training. He had selected a short bokken, perhaps meant to represent the wakizashi with which he was most likely to be armed, if it ever came to fighting for him. He bowed respectfully to the sensei, but transitioned swiftly to the military bearing demanded by the Lion's sharp barks.

The peasant's approach was noted and the spear easily dodged the first few times. And the sword work was impressive for one so young, but it was clear that Bayushi Jiro was not physically equal to a proper bushi, and he quickly grew tired and irate at being jabbed at.

Defense/Reflexes, 1 raise=10 Success, +1 Dojo Point, +1 Defense
Defense/Stamina, 1 raise=6 Fail
Defense/Agility=14 Success, +1 Dojo Point

+2 Dojo points, +1 Defense

Re: Defense Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 11:55 am
by Asako Saburo
Lovely weather. The sun was shining and Saburo was squinting. The air was crisp and cool, and he was imagining himself getting a deathly chill from the perfectly lovely weather. Had the fish today been a little off? Did he feel a little queas... And then the Akodo barked, and he was in motion, bowing to the Ashigaru. The spear was nimbly dodged as it lashed out, Saburo quickly shifting out of its way. When one of the blows actually struck, he grunted once but endured and continued the lesson smoothly. Finally, as he drew the wooden bokken from his obi, he was able to smoothly knock the blows out of the way.


Required Rules:
Defense/Reflexes 1 CR (TN 8): 13
Defense/Stamina 1 CR (TN 8): 10
Defense/Agility 1 CR (TN 8): 31 (effectively 2 Raises)

Net Results:
+3 Dojo Points, +1 Defense, +1 Stamina

Re: Defense Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 11:56 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
Quick on his feet, Ginkarasu dodges the spear blows. "Go faster!" He calls out, "I can take it!"
And none of the blows do hit him. Until, that is, the Akodo calls out for the students to accept hits but to move so they hurt less.

He knew all about that. Didn't like it at all, but he moved to make sure the blunted spear didn't hit him where he'd lose his wind or end up tripping over himself.

When he got to take up the bokken to defend himself was when he really surprised himself. But he still managed to keep up despite it! That this part of the test came after everything else was a test of endurance. The ashigaru just had to poke at him with a spear, never had to dodge, never had to accept a blow and shrug it off. And then being asked to knock aside your enemies blows? Hah! Yasuki Ginkarasu was no fool! He could do this all day!

D5 Dragon: Defense / Reflexes: 1 Raise: TN 8 (Quick): 4d10o10k3+1 18 +1 Dojo Point, +1 Defense Skill
D5 Dragon: Defense / Stamina: 1 Raise: TN 8 (Quick): 3d10o10k2+1 10 +1 Dojo Point
D5 Dragon: Defense / Agility: 1 Raise, void: TN 8 (Quick): 3d10o10k2+1 19 +1 Dojo Point, +1 Stamina
Total Rewards: +3 Dojo Points, +1 Defense Skill, +1 Stamina Trait

Re: Defense Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 11:56 am
by Yogo Otoko
Defense was a skill the Iuchi taught, but it wasn't one she'd learned yet. There were far more important things to study as far as Otoko was concerned. Still, she wanted to show she wasn't useless. Very little bad incited any sort of fire within the despondent girl, but now, she barely dodged the blow, took the second barely without flinching, and gritted her teeth as she just parried the last.

By the end she was tired... but she had persevered.

Defense/Reflexes, Raise TN 8, 2d10 = 11 (Success)
Defense/Stamina, Raise TN 8, Void, 2d10 = 9 (Success)
Defense/Agility, Raise TN 8, Honor, 5k1 = 9 (Success)

+3 DP, +1 Defense, +1 Stamina

Re: Defense Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 11:59 am
by Miya Wyn
Wyn arrives, bowing low toward Eiko who he had trained with earlier in the week.

From dodges to blocks to straight soaking the young Imperial does quite well.

D5 Dragon - Defense/Reflex 1R, TN 8: 4d10o10k2 15
D5 Dragon - Defense/Stamina 1R, TN 8, V: 4d10o10k2 26
D5 Dragon - Defense/Agility 1R, TN 8,: 5d10o10k3 19

+1 Defense, +1 Stamina, +3 Dojo Points

Re: Defense Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 12:24 pm
by Mai
Mai had trained in this before. She did exactly what Akodo-sensei said and dodge the first with remarkable grace? The second blow barely felt like it touched her. And though she did actually know how to use the weapon, she naturally knew how to block with it.

D5 Dragon: Defense/Reflexes 1 Raise: 3d10o10k2 44

D5 Dragon: Defense/Stanima 1 Raise VOID: 3d10o10k2 13

D5 Dragon: Defense/Agility 1 Raise: 4d10o10k3 36

+ 3 Dojo Points
+ 1 Defense
+ 1 Stamina
+ 1 Akodo Eiko as a temporary Ally

Re: Defense Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 2:14 pm
by Asako Sanzo
Sanzo took to the parade ground, bokken in hand. He bows properly to the Imperial Ashigaru before the training commences.

Of course, as he islikely to become a yojimbo for a some Phoenix shugenja, Sanzo had been trained in defense. He's able to dodge the Ashigaru's attacks with grace and ease. Next, he bears repeated strikes from his partner, but there's a fire in him that pushes him through. Finally, he displays that he can indeed block with his bokken, parrying some of the attacks thrust at him.

Once the training is finished, Sanzo once again bows to the man. "You did well!" he says with a grin.

Crunchy Bits:

D5 Dragon: Defense Training Def/Ref, 1 raise = TN8: 3d10o10k2 25
D5 Dragon: Defense Training Def/Sta, 1 raise = TN8, Voiding: 3d10o10k2 15
D5 Dragon: Defense Training Def/Agi, 1 raise = TN8: 4d10o10k3 23

+3 Dojo Points
+1 Defense
+1 Stamina

Re: Defense Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 3:05 pm
by Moto Ichiro
Ichiro was in good spirits today for their training and grabbed his bokken he weaved between the blows and each one that he didn't shake was blocked with the bokken. It was all rather simple really and he found himself growing a little bored in the end. The Ashigaru were only moving half speed after all.

D5 defense reflexes +2 from over confident 1 raise tn 10: 4d10o10k2 16 +1 dojo point +1 rank of defense

D5 defense stamina +2 from over confident 1 raise void +1k1 tn 10: 4d10o10k2 23 +1 dojo point

D5 defense agility +2 from over confident 1 raise tn 10: 5d10o10k3 26 +1 dojo point

+3 dojo points
+1 stamina
+1 rank of defense

Re: Defense Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 4:00 pm
by Kuni Yotsuo
Yotsuo's focus on defending himself during previous days' practice was put to good use. His understanding of the concepts were clear and he showed it well during the training of the hour. He didn't show any great mastery that impressed the Akodo sensei, but it was enough that he he felt far more confident in his resilience.


D5 Dragon, Defense / Reflexes, VP +1k1, Honor Roll +5k0, 1 CR, TN 8: 8d10o10k2 16
D5 Dragon, Defense / Stamina, VP +1k1, 1 CR, TN 8: 4d10o10k3 22
D5 Dragon, Defense / Agility, 1 CR, TN 8: 4d10o10k3 15

+3 Dojo Points, +1 Defense, +1 Stamina

Re: Defense Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 4:06 pm
by Soshi Shiso
Shiso were getting good at it... or were they? The blunt spear almost got them! The dodge was much more spectacular than it would otherwise have been, so it was all cool!

Dragon 5. Unskilled Defence w/ Ref. Raise! TN 8. Luck Reroll!: 2d10 14

But when the spear started hitting, Shiso felt like owwing loud! But they modulated it into a serious of mocking shouts that felt like they weren't making much of the blows!

Dragon 5. Unskilled Defence w/ Stamina, VP.. Raise! TN 8.: 2d10 12

But enough was enough! It was time to give the ashigaru some of his own medicine! Shiso blocked in a way that bounced the blunt end across the attackers forehead!

Dragon 5. Unskilled Defence w/ Ag.. Raise! TN 8.: 2d10 12

What a resilient little Scorpion was emerging from the whole dojo exchange program!

[+3 Points, + 1 Defence, +1 Stamina]

Re: Defense Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 4:56 pm
by Doji Sakura
Sakura was small, slow, and despite working in a forge did not have the best stamina. So, this event did not seem like it was well suited to her.

Still, she was very very good at using her weapon to deflect blows, likely due to her knowledge of weapons

D5 Dragon Defense test! Defense/Reflexes plus a raise (TN8): 1d10 4
D5 Dragon Defense test! Defense/stamina plus a raise (TN8): 1d10 5
D5 Dragon Defense test! Defense/agility plus a raise (TN8): 4d10 23 (defense gained!)

1 dojo point
1 defense rank

Re: Defense Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 9:10 pm
by Zashi
Zashi stretches on the parade grounds, the bokken in hand as they give it a casual twirl.

"OK...I can do this. Nothing crazy. It's just not getting hit at this first part, right?"

Zashi continues to duck and weave, fairly effortlessly dodging. "Wait, we are supposed to purposefully get hit at the next-" The redhead tremors as the bokken hits and Zashi glares at their partner, interposing the bokken in front of the next strike. All in all, it isn't enough to grab the attention of the sensei, but Zashi finishes with full marks and is a bit tougher for the experience.

D5 Dragon-Defense/Reflexes-Raise-Tn 8: 3d10o10 17 Pass
D5 Dragon-Defense/Stamina-Raise-Tn 8: 2d10o10 8 Pass
D5 Dragon-Defense/Agility-Raise-Tn 8-VP spent: 2d10o10k1 8 Pass
+3 Dojo Points
+1 Defense
+1 Stamina (Earth ring will now be 3 at day 6)

Re: Defense Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 10:19 pm
by Kaito Haruki
Haruki had a feeling he wouldn't impress anyone today; he never seems to impress a sensei now. Oh well, better do the same thing he always does: everything the sensei asks in a non-flashy but excellent way. Dodging a spear with ease, taking a bo staff to the chest repeatedly, and blocking a bokken's every swing.

D5 Dragon: Defense/Reflexes, 1 raise, Quick, TN 7: 5d10o10k3 18
D5 Dragon: Defense/Stamina, Void Point used, 1 raise, Quick, TN 7: 4d10o10k2 25
D5 Dragon: Defense/Agility, 1 raise, Quick, TN 7: 5d10o10k3 19

+3 Dojo Points
+1 Defense
+1 Stamina

Re: Defense Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 10:45 pm
by Toritaka Sasaiko
Sasaiko breathes deeply as she faces the ashigaru. The blunted spear-point comes in, and she steps adroitly to her left, pivoting around the thrust. The butt of the spear swings around, and she takes the blow on the meat of her arm, cushioning it and halting its progress. But when the next attack comes, she snatches the spear completely out of the ashigaru's hands.

Blinking in surprise at the performance, she returns the weapon with a shallow bow, bows deeply to her instructors, and sets about tidying up where she can.

(Defense / Reflexes, TN 6 Raised to 8, passed at 9,; +1 Dojo, +1 Defense confirmed
Defense / Stamina, TN Raised to 8, passed at 8,; +1 Dojo
Defense / Agility, TN Raised to 8, passed at 20,; +1 Dojo, + Stamina confirmed)

Re: Defense Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 11:00 pm
by Utaku Ichiro
In his previous training the Ashigaru had been unable to strike him even once out of six tries. Nor had actual thugs and ronin for that matter. Giving them only three hardly seemed a challenge. But he understood this class was for everyone not just the bushi. As such he simply smoothly evaded all strikes and bowed to his sensei.

(Quick gives +1 to all

Defense / Reflexes, Raise Called, TN8 = Success
Defense / Stamina, Raise Called, TN8 = Exceptional Success
Defense / Agility, Raise Called, TN8 = Success

+3 Dojo Points
+1 Defense Skill
+1 Stamina)

Re: Defense Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 1:29 am
by Kakita Kenji
Kenji went into the defense training very confidently. The last two combat trainings he had done nothing else but defend himself and when it was time to call up this training his body moved all by itself.
It was as if Kenji was dancing when he was given the task to dodge the blows. And the tests afterwards were no problem for him either. He was able to resist the pain of the shinai's blows on his body very well and when it came to blocking the blows with the bokken his movements were precise and firm.
All in all it was a good show of his skills and when he cleared the place for the next student he could see Akodo-sensei nodding favourably to him.

D5 Dragon Defense Event Defense/Ref +1 Raise TN8: 4d10o10k3 31
D5 Dragon Defense Event Defense/Stamina +1 Raise TN8: 3d10o10k2 16
D5 Dragon Defense Event Defense/Agility +1 Raise TN8: 3d10o10k2 21

+3 Dojo Points
+1 Stamina
+1 Defense
+ Akodo-sensei Ally (1/1)

Re: Defense Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 4:16 am
by Kokyou
That same as Bihari from yesterday! Kokyou narrows his eyes, knowing how well he knew how to hit.

He puts all his heart and sense of honor (as low as it is) to deflect the first blow.

The second hit is deflected with a backhand slap and a snort.

The third attack, Kokyou draws a training knife and locks the spear down.

Satisfied, he grins. Another day, another victory. Not only he grew sturdier since yesterday, but also much more powerful: feeling the earth within him.

- -
D5, Dragon, Defense/Reflexes TN 9 (+2 Overconfident, -1 Quick, +2 Raise) + Honor: 5d10o10k2 16
D5, Dragon, Defense/Reflexes TN 9 (+2 Overconfident, -1 Quick, +2 Raise) + Honor (1 forgotten rolled die for the Honor roll. I thought it was lower, but it is not): 1d10o10k1 8
Result is 17 [8+9]: +1 Dojo Point, +1 Defense
D5, Dragon, Defense/Stamina TN 9 (+2 Overconfident, -1 Quick, +2 Raise): 3d10o10k2 14 +1 Dojo Point
D5, Dragon, Defense/Agility TN 9 (+2 Overconfident, -1 Quick, +2 Raise): 4d10o10k3 13 +1 Dojo Point, + 1 Stamina

+ 3 Dojo Points
+ 1 Defense
+ 1 Stamina

Re: Defense Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:47 am
by Otomo Nobuko
Unsurprisingly, Nobuko was not very good at dodging blows or weathering any kind of storm. But she had seemed to pick up some small skill in the last few days of blocking attacks with a weapon in hand. She was rather surprised at herself for it, but most certainly pleased.


D5 Dragon Defense/Ref 1 Raise: 1d10 7 vs TN8; Fail
D5 Dragon Defense/Stam 1 Raise: 1d10 2 vs TN8; Fail
D5 Dragon Defense/Agil 1 Raise: 2d10 16 vs TN8; Pass +1DP, +1 Defense

Totals: +1DP, +1 Defense