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Osano-Wo on Drums

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 2:14 am
by Miya Wyn
As the Thunderstorm rages overhead a small figure slips out of the dining hall, covered in a straw cloak and a large jingasa the form of the student in question, in the growing twilight and heave cloud cover can not quite be identified, except in generally terms, like height.

As the music of Osano-Wo rages over head the littlest Imperial begins dancing, not carrying about the rain or propriety as much as the sheer joy of his movements and letting loose for once.

Re: Osano-Wo on Drums

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 7:48 am
by Asako Saburo
While he danced, a small staccato sound went along with the rolling of Osano Wo's percussion. Whisk whisk. the sounds of a rake clearing the walkways could be heard, under the awnings. Glittering yellow eyes were visible, watching him quietly out of their corner while he worked. There was curiosity there, but no interest in walking out into the rain even though he had a straw cloak and hat himself. No, he'd catch his death of something...

You really are a wild child aren't you?

Re: Osano-Wo on Drums

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 9:07 am
by Miya Wyn
Oblivious to being watch the little samurai to be continues his movements, Dancing not in any formal way, but instead for the sheer joy of it.
His cloaked arms outstretched as he spins not unlike bird feathers throwing water in every direction off his soaked cloak.

Re: Osano-Wo on Drums

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 9:32 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
Ginkarasu is out in similar garb, and enjoying the rain.

On seeing someone dancing, he grins, and moves to join.

He's really not any good, but he does have enthusiasm!

Re: Osano-Wo on Drums

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 9:48 am
by Asako Saburo
Saburo isn't one to interrupt, mostly because interrupting would mean getting out in that water, and that much wet in this weather would help him to catch his death of something. He knew better than to do something stupid like that. Still, sweeping as he did, he'd be relatively close, and when either of them flung water his direction they might catch a grunt as he brushed it clear of his cloak. He kept his commentary mostly to himself naturally, but it was in there somewhere.

Re: Osano-Wo on Drums

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 10:13 am
by Miya Wyn
Wyn smiles, seeing the Yasuki joining him and he begins moving in mirror to the Crab, almost like a dance challenge.

Upon noticing the other student under the near by awning getting splashed the Miya moves back a little to try not to make the Asako Collateral damage.

Re: Osano-Wo on Drums

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 10:28 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
Ginkarasu's lack of rhythm is pretty evident, but considering they were dancing to the sound of rain and thunder, it was probably alright.

Re: Osano-Wo on Drums

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 10:55 am
by Miya Wyn
Wyn for his part has some natural reflexes and agility going for him, but absolutely no skill in music or dancing, so the two seem pretty evenly matched in their "Dance Duel" moving to the sound of the natural music of the thunder storm.

Re: Osano-Wo on Drums

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 1:32 am
by Asako Saburo
Saburo was grateful for the effort. Every time they avoided splashing near him meant that keeping the walkway clear was that much easier, and he was fighting a losing battle in the waning sun with jut how much dirt was on the walkways. Frankly it was always a losing battle to face such things. There was always dirt everywhere. Everything was a little unclean...

Re: Osano-Wo on Drums

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 1:43 am
by Yasuki Ginkarasu
Ginkarasu decided the best way to reach Osano-Wo was to try and time a puddle jump with a lightning flash. He did stay away from the walkway, having cleaned yesterday. But it was going to require a lot of jumps!

Re: Osano-Wo on Drums

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 2:29 am
by Miya Wyn
Wyn sees the Yasuki's action and then starts following it, trying to time his jumps to the other samurai not realizing that he is doing so to the Thunder