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Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:23 pm
by Vutall
Daily Spellcasting Training

After the morning duties are completed, a handful of sensei gather the shugenja and bring them to a small secluded part of the parade ground on the southern portion of the complex. They begin the lessons by first going over prayers that can entice the kami, as well as specialized words or terms that a normal rokugani would not know, but make it easier to converse with the Kami. Then, they ask each student to attempt to use their prayers to locate a kami in the area, commune with it, and then manifest it.

NOTE: Monks are NOT spellcasting, but this event represents their inherent mystical ability to interact with the elements. For rules purposes, they can use the three spells as if they were a shugenja. ((YOU DO NOT GAIN SENSE, COMMUNE, OR SUMMON OUTSIDE OF THIS EVENT))
This is a repeatable event, and will happen over multiple days. Each day, you must select a Ring to use, at which point, you may not use that ring again for this event. Players should make a note in their Personal Forum with a topic called "Daily Spellcasting Training " and note which days they used each ring.

Characters with Seven Fortunes Blessing may only use their blessing for one roll per event.

Characters who have the following disadvantages have the following penalties:
-Elemental Imbalance: The TN penalty listed for the disadvantage is +1 instead of +5 during this event
-Wrath of the Kami: If you succeed on the Summon for the element of this disadvantage, it deals 1k1 damage to you before being calmed by one of the sensei.

Only characters with the Monk or Shugenja school tag may enter this event

In order to complete the training, you must do the following:

Select a ring to use (not including Void), not using the same ring you have already selected before for this event.

Then, make a Meditation/Void check at TN6. If you succeed, you gain that ring as a bonus to your rolls for this event.

Then, you must complete the following steps in order:

(To cast the spells, you roll Ring+1, keeping ring, plus the bonus from the Meditation check as detailed above)

Sense, using the element of the ring you selected at TN5.
Commune, using the element of the ring you selected at TN6.
Summon, using the element of the ring you selected at TN7.

  • -For each step you complete, you gain +2 Dojo points
  • -If you complete all three Shugenja steps, you gain +1 to Spellcrafting (Shugenja Only) or Meditation (Monk Only). You may only gain this reward once.
  • -If on the Sense roll you have a roll explode twice, you gain the Friend of the Elements advantage for the element you are using.
  • -If on the Commune roll you have a roll explode twice, you gain the Friendly Kami (Shugenja Only) or Chosen by the Oracles (Monk Only) advantage for the element you are using.
  • -If on the Summon roll you have a roll explode twice, you gain the Elemental Blessing advantage for the element you are using.
  • -At the end of the event, you gain a permanent +1 to the Mental and Physical traits associated with the ring you are using. You may only gain this reward once per Trait.
  • Special: On the final iteration of this event, if you have passed all rolls in at least 3 of the 4 events, you gain the Friend of the Brotherhood Advantage

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 10:00 am
by Yogo Otoko
Otoko knew that she had gone to the Unicorn to train because of her weakness with the Air kami. They were far too flighty and wild for her, so she couldn't understand them. Still, she had managed with the Water kami, she could likely manage now.

It was tough, but she barely managed to sense them, and had an even harder time communing with them, barely hearing them at all as she focused on her talisman with the spell. Summoning them, however, proved impossible.


Meditation TN 7, 3k1 = 16 (Pass)
Sense Air, TN5, 2k1 = 9 (Pass)
Commune Air, TN 6, 2k1 = 6 (Pass)
Summon Air, TN 7, 2k1 = 2 (Fail)

+4 DP, +1 Air

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 10:53 am
by Mai
Mai prepared herself by a little meditating. She actually felt calmer than she has ever felt before.

As such, sensing the Air kami was easy. The playful little guys took to Mai seeing a kindred spirit. They talked about funny jokes that were, well, funny to a kami at least. Sadly, Mai became overconfident and messed up while trying to summon one before her.

D4 Dragon: Meditation/Void: 3d10o10k2 28

D4 Dragon: Sense/Air: 2d10o10k1+1 5

D4 Dragon: Commune/Air: 2d10o10k1+1 8

D4 Dragon: Summon/Air: 2d10o10k1+1 5

+4 Dojo Points
+1 Air Ring

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 3:40 pm
by Kuni Yotsuo
Yotsuo came into the day's training with much the same expectations as the one two days past. He hoped to be able to do well but did not really know what would happen. He meditated on the elemental earth with great focus and found that focus with minimal effort. But it was accompanied by a whisper, one that anyone in the room could hear if they were listening. It didn't come from anyone that could be seen.

"Yes, Yotsuo. We need your focus."

He didn't allow the voice, which was louder in his ears than any others. He simply reached out and felt for the presence of earth around him. He felt it slowly gathering around him, much more strongly than the fire had.

"You feel it. Do not let it go."

The whisper returns, slightly louder, a bit easier to hear for everyone in the room. Some of the sensei perked up upon hearing it, a bit befuddled at the voice. The young Kuni did not let it distract him as he went through the motions to draw the elemental kami into conversation.

"Here we are, my friends and I. Listen to our wisdom."

It was still a whisper, but almost at a conversational level. It was clear that someone was speaking to him at this point. It was followed by a slight rumble, but not from thunder, instead it came from deeper... within the earth.

"You will stand with me, Kuni Yotsuo. I lend you my strength. You will need it in the future. As I serve the Dragon of Earth on Ningen-do, you will serve throughout the spirit realms."

At this point it was obvious that something powerful had decided to speak to the young man. He did not ignore the voice, but he focused through it, allowing himself to draw strength from it. The rumble grew stronger and louder.

"You will carry my blessing! I will help guard your soul in your battles!"

As the earth he summoned forth came into being, it shimmered like a light dusting of jade. It was not something that any person should be capable of, much less a student that didn't even have the ability to speak to the kami in the first place. The boy opened his eyes and they had changed color. They were no longer the amber that had been seen previously. And they weren't the green that one might see normally in others. They were a glowing and piercing jade. Within seconds, the bright glow faded, returning to their natural color, but there were now permanent and obvious flecks of jade throughout his irises.

Then he collapsed to the floor and started breathing heavily. Taking his time as a sensei rushed to him and helped him to his feat, he looked up and asked through ragged breath, "Did... did I do well?"


D4 Dragon, Meditation / Void, TN 6: 5d10o10k2 20
D4 Dragon, Earth + 1 / Earth, Meditation +1, TN 5: 2d10o10k1+1 9
D4 Dragon, Earth + 1 / Earth, Meditation +1, TN 6: 2d10o10k1+1 43
D4 Dragon, Earth + 1 / Earth, Meditation +1, VP +1k1, TN 7: 3d10o10k2+1 26

+6 dojo points, +1 Earth, Chosen by the Oracle of Earth

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 4:02 pm
by Kitsune Setsuna

  • With all the rain, Setsuna really should have considered speaking to the kami of the water today. His hair completely drenched as they are led out to the courtyard, he immediately sets about looking for somewhere decent to sit for the meditation. A large, flat decorative rock draws his attention the most and if it fits, Setsuna sits. Perched upon it, cross legged style, and as thoroughly soaked as one could be, his palms pressed together. Meditation time. His lips mumbled a short and respectful introduction for any of the mikokami and then...

    He felt it. Well, maybe felt was not the right word. Sensed? Closer, but not one hundred percent. But something told him that just around him, very nearby, resided a kami of the earth. Shielding his scroll as best as he could, he quickly incanted the holy words. Where are you, the silvery haired boy thought to himself. As the spell completed and he quickly jammed the scroll back into the safety of his case, he knew where it was. Scampering off the boulder, he went to the base of it and began to dig into the softened earth with his hands. No one could see the mikokami, he knew, but the rain would muffle his message. A small pile of grass and mud would pile next to him, and his hands would be very dirty. It was fine, no one got killed from a bit of dirt.

    Once again a scroll came out, and he began to speak the words, though very quickly so it would not get wet and mussed. The dirt seemed to vibrate slightly, and he pressed his hand to it. A small gasp escaped his mouth, and he could hear the kami very clearly, it's words channeling through the earth and into his arm. What did he want, and be snappy. The earth kami were not playful or fiery, but very... down to earth. "What can this one offer you, spirit of the earth? How have you been?" His hand sank slightly into the dirt as it softened into mud, the earth kami seeming to mull over his words. It vibrated, and he knew what to do.

    The pile of mud would come in handy here. He dug into it and began to make a shape, slapping it onto the grass. Yeah he was going to be filthy today. More and more would be taken from the pile and what he was working on became clear. 土 or "tsuchi," which was simply earth. That was what was wanted, so who was he to disobey? The last scroll, now that he had accomplished the task, it was time to ask the mikokami to make their appearance. Shielding the paper and touching it as gingerly as he could (though a muddy thumbprint and fingerprint would be on it), he at last began to recite the final prayer, voice loud and clear as he could make it be. When he completed it, before he could even put away the scroll, a large stone came into appearance just in front of him, mid air. The delight on his face lasted only a second though, before it immediately fell and landed with a sploosh onto his muddy creation and splattered him with even more mud.

    Still. A pass was a pass.

    Meditation/Void TN6
    D4 Meditation / Void TN6: 3d10o10k2 13

    Sense - Spellcraft/Earth TN5
    D4 Spellcraft/Earth Invocation: Sense TN5: 2d10o10k1 8 +1 = 9

    Commune - Spellcraft/Earth TN6
    D4 Spellcraft/Earth Invocation: Commune TN6: 2d10o10k1 15 +1 = 16

    Summon - Spellcraft/Earth TN7
    D4 Spellcraft/Earth Invocation: Summon TN7: 2d10o10k1 7 +1 = 8
    +6 Dojo Points
    +1 Willpower & +1 Stamina for passing

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 9:51 pm
by Zashi
Zashi is a new face with the shugenja group, having ditched last time to do acting.

Time to really stretch myself then.

Zashi's limitations had become more clear. If the Fox wanted to impress they could no longer skip along, excelling just at what they were good at. They would need to push. Earth seemed the opposite of Zashi's nature so that seemed the place to start.

The redhead doesn't get any style points, but manages, with concentration, to succeed.
D4 Dragon- daily training-Meditation roll-TN 7: 2d10o10 7 +1 on rolls
Earth-Sense-TN 5: 2d10o10k1+1 6
D4 Dragon- daily training-Commune TN 6: 2d10o10k1+1 6
D4 Dragon- daily training-Earth Summon-TN 7: 2d10o10k1+1 9
+6 dojo points
+1 Spellcraft
+1 Stamina/Willpower on day 5

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 10:21 pm
by Toritaka Sasaiko
Sasaiko makes to focus herself, reaching deep within and feeling a peace she has not touched with tea in some days. She is as a still pool as she reaches out to the kami, connecting easily with those of Water and arriving suddenly at a better understanding of them and of how to speak with them.

She is sweating somewhat as she completes the exercise, and she excuses herself to attend to herself.

(Selected Ring: Water
Meditation/Void,TN6, passed at 11,; add +1 to further rolls.
Sense, TN5, passed at 10,, +2 Dojo
Commune, TN6, passed at 25,, +2 Dojo
Summon, TN7, passed at 19,, +2 Dojo
+1 Spellcraft
+1 Strength
+1 Perception)

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 12:34 am
by Iuchi Prashant
Before the start of the training, Prashant slowly comes towards the Sensei overseeing the spellcasting duties for today, bowing respectfully. "Sensei-sama", he says, his head down. "I would like to ask for your permission to perform today's activities focusing as a monk would, instead of as a shugenja usually does." He pauses for a moment. "My particular interest in the Little Teacher's lessons is known by now - I have talked about it to Kitsuki-sensei and some others - and I am striving to improve my meditation and my knowledge of the Tao and the Elements. If Sensei-tachi would allow me, I believe the chance to perform today's exercises based on meditation and focus instead of my more usual rituals will be a chance to delve deeper into the Way of Shinsei.

The group of Sensei inspect the boy uncertainly for a moment. Why would a shugenja forego their gift and try to deal with the elemental spirits just by meditating?, Prash imagined passed through their heads as they looked at one another, considering his request.

The Asako and the Kitsuki looked at one another, then at the boy, and finally Himeya spoke. "Your search for the right questions is still ongoing, Iuchi-san. You may do that today if you wish. Do your best."

The Unicorn, actually somewhat surprised at the answer, smiles and bows deeply to the Sensei present again. "Hai, sensei. I will."

As he sits down in a lotus position to centre himself for the day's activities, his earlier training with Kitsuki Tai Yu bear fruit, and he manages to calm down and find focus.

The Air kami were never the easiest to work with for Prash - they were usually too subtle, too fleeting, and he had a hard time understanding them. As he concentrated, he first focused on the familiar feeling of the ground below him and the sounds he could hear... but as he focused further, he felt the air circulating around him, recognising the patterns left by the Air kami as they flew through, touched his face and carried the sound and the smells around him.

Hi, kaze-no-kami, he said. It's been some time since I could communicate with your kin last, he spoke and smiled in his mind, his face keeping a quiet, peaceful expression as he heard the whispering voice and laughter of the air spirits.

His conversation with the air kami didn't last long, but it was enough to leave Prash happy and peaceful. Focusing further, he convinced some of the kami to change their path and circle around him, creating a small swirl around him and throwing his hair around as he kept sitting silently.

After about a minute the swirl ceases, and Prashant slowly opens his eyes. He keeps quiet for some more time, looking at the others around him - particularly at Yotsuo - then finally stands up, walks back to the Sensei and bows to them again.

"Thank you for this opportunity, Sensei. I will remember this lesson as I try to understand what my questions are."

Day 4 Dragon - Courtier/ Awa to convince Sensei to train as monk for the day. TN 8: 2d10o10k1 9

Day 4 Dragon - Meditation/ Void for bonus to rolls. TN 6, rolling 4k1: 4d10o10k1 9

Day 4 Dragon - Sense Air as monk (Air+1)/Air +1 (due to Meditation roll). TN 5: 2d10o10k1+1 8

Day 4 Dragon - Commune with Air as monk (Air+1)/Air +1 (due to Meditation roll). TN 6: 2d10o10k1+1 9

Day 4 Dragon - Summon Air as monk (Air+1)/Air +1 (due to Meditation roll). TN 7. Honour roll for session 2, rolling 6k1 + 1: 6d10o10k1+1 12

+6 Dojo Points
+1 Meditation
+1 Awareness
+1 Reflexes

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 8:45 pm
by Isawa Tanshin
Tanshin's breakfast put a fire in his belly. He means this almost literally.

As he sat in meditation preparing to invoke the elemental kami, he could feel the dance of hot pepper on his lips and tongue.
Urp. … and stomach.

Meditation Shugenja Training D4 FIRE Meditation: 1d10k1 3 Fail

Taking inspiration from his discomfort, he lights a candle and begins to sense the elemental fire about him.
Sense Shugenja Training D4 FIRE Sense: 4d10o10k3 24 Pass +2 DP

He could sense the flame, the other students...
He chanted to the flame before him, and found the newborn flame to be friendly and ravenous.
Commune Shugenja Training D4 FIRE Commune: 4d10o10k3 22 Pass

He offered a piece of parchment that he had dipped into the pepper sauce of his breakfast and offered it to the flame.
If it can cause the Fire to become prominent within, it may help feed the fire without.
Summon Shugenja Training D4 FIRE Summon: 4d10o10k3 40 Pass

The flame eagerly devoured the parchment in a quick gout of flame and audible >POP< that surprised Tanshin.

+6 Dojo Points, +1 Fire

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 6:09 am
by Vutall
This event closes 6 hours after this post

Yogo Otoko: +4 Dojo Points, +1 Air
Mai: +4 Dojo Points, +1 Air
Kuni Yotsuo: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Earth, Chosen by the Oracle: Earth
Kitsune Setsuna: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Earth
Zashi: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Earth, +1 Spellcraft
Toritaka Sasaiko: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Water, +1 Spellcraft
Iuchi Prashant: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Air, +1 Meditation
Isawa Tanshin: +6 Dojo Points, +1 Fire, Elemental Blessing (Fire)

Re: Daily Spellcasting Training (Mandatory Event)

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 8:44 am
by Kaito Kai
Kai once more presents themselves for "spellcasting" training.

This time, they were provided with a bowl of water to meditate upon. This was, in a way, comforting and reminiscent of home. The fluidity of the element, its ability to take many forms from ice to liquid to cloud vapors yet always remain water at its heart, were tenets of Kaito teachings.

Thus it was that things flowed smoothly enough for Kai that day's lessons.



D4 Dragon - Daily Spellcasting Meditation/Void - TN6: 4d10o10k2 11 PASS
D4 Dragon - Daily Spellcasting - WATER Ring - Sense/Commune/Summon - TN 4/5/6: 3#2d10o10k1+1 6 17 9 ALL PASS

+6 Dojo Points
Already got Meditation bump
+1 Water Ring