Lore Training (Mandatory Event)

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Kakita Kazuko
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Re: Lore Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Kakita Kazuko » Mon Jun 29, 2020 5:43 am

Kazuko tries her best to focus on the book but the contents really just can't hold her attention for even 10 minutes, much less 90. She picked subjects that seemed interesting initially, but she couldn't remember anything by the time she got quizzed. Heck, she could recall more about the funny looking mole on the sensei's face than anything in the books. The book about shugenja was just plain confusing and the nature book was too thick for her to even get through half of it, not to mention that it showed the insides of a toad. Gross! The only book that managed to somewhat hold her attention was the architecture one, and that was because there were a lot of diagrams of fancy buildings. Oh well, lore just isn't her strong suit. She doesn't need to know about designing buildings to become a good samurai anyway. She'd much rather be swinging swords or playing Go with Kenji than read about ghosts or gaijin of all things.


D3 Goat Lore: Shugenja/Int, TN 8 (Raise): 1d10k1 4
D3 Goat Lore: Architecture/Int, TN 8 (Raise): 1d10 6
D3 Goat Lore: Nature/Int, TN 8 (Raise): 1d10 1

(edited for grammar and phrasing)
Last edited by Kakita Kazuko on Mon Jun 29, 2020 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Crane Clan | Bushi | Profile | Way Better than Kotomi
Honor: Exceptional | Status: 1.0 | Glory: 2.4 | TP: 252 (ty oleanderpoison!)
Equipment: Daisho/Light Armor where allowed, Fancy Clothes, Expensive Crane Hairpin (5 koku) and Earrings (2 koku), Fan

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Kakita Kenji
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Re: Lore Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Kakita Kenji » Mon Jun 29, 2020 5:09 pm

Kenji's performance at the Lore Event was disappointing to say the least. He took care of the books, but was not really able to reflect the knowledge.
Was it because his sleep rhythm was interrupted? Was it because he gazed at Kazuko too often? Who knows?

One question he could answer with absolute certainty: and those were the questions about Chikushudo! After all, he was there, physically, even if involuntarily, but his stories seemed to satisfy the monk.

At least one subject to which I could contribute, Kenji thought to himself.
D3 Goat Lore Event Lore:Nature unskilled +1 Raise TN8: 1d10k1 5
D3 Goat Lore Event Lore:Architecture unskilled +1 Raise TN8: 1d10k1 2
D3 Goat Lore Event Lore:Spirit Realms unskilled +1 Raise +VP TN8: 2d10k2 12

Result: +1 Dojo Point, +1 Lore: Spirit Realms
Crane Clan | Bushi & Artisan | Your friendly&idealistic neighbourhood Samurai | UTC +2 | Profile
Honour: Exceptional | Status: 2.0 | Glory: 5.0 | Infamy: 1.0 | Topaz Points: 95
Gear: Sturdy Clothing, Sandals, Travelling Pack

"You own every word you speak" - Shinsei

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Toritaka Sasaiko
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Re: Lore Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Toritaka Sasaiko » Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:37 pm

Sasaiko, perhaps channeling some of her player's distraction, finds it hard to focus on events. The day's earlier failures have shaken her more than she is willing to admit.

Unable to answer the questions, she retires in red-faced shame.

(Lore: Shugenja, failed at 1, https://orokos.com/roll/819768
Lore: Ghosts, failed at 1, https://orokos.com/roll/819768
Lore: Spirit Realms, failed at 2, https://orokos.com/roll/819770

Toritaka Noriko
Falcon * Phantom Hunter (Shug)
S 2.0 * G 2.1 * H As Expected

On-site: robes, sandals, and scroll satchel and scrolls, Seppun blade, Miya-made map of Tsuma; might have money
Off: the above + loaded traveling pack

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Miya Wyn
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Re: Lore Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Miya Wyn » Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:53 pm

Wyn comes in, confident in his knowledges, he begins by choosing the subject the person next to him had been studying at lunch the previous day, and quickly discovers that learning by Osmosis is not a real thing. He then returns to things he knows a little better, like identifying trees and the structural building techniques of various clans, he comes away with a passing, but not perfect grade.

+2 Dojo Points
+1 Lore nature
+1 Lore Architecture

D3 Goat Lore Training , Raw Int- Spirit Realm: 2d10 11
D3 Goat Lore Training , Raw Int- Spirit Realm 1 Rise TN 8, ST Authorzed Reroll: 2d10 5
(Failure) (Originally roll forgot to put tn/raise in the desc, so was required to reroll after discussion with ST)

D3 Goat Lore Training , Raw Int- Nature 1 Raise TN 8: 2d10 13
+1 Dojo, +1 Lore Nature
D3 Goat Lore Training , Raw Int- Atchetecture 1 Raise TN 8: 2d10 10
+1 Dojo +1 Lore Archetecture
Imperial Family * Artisan * Courtier * Benton's Blessing * Short * Idealistic * Prodigy
Dojo Points: 104 | Status 1.5 | Glory 6.0 | Honor: Above Question
| Topaz Points: 166
Equipment: Kimono, Ink Brush Kit, Journal, Several Scrolls

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Asako Saburo
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Re: Lore Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Asako Saburo » Mon Jun 29, 2020 8:16 pm

Saburo had difficulties with focus throughout the day. It was, in many respects, like he Yogo had said to him about putting too much thought into possible failures. It had made meditation nearly impossible, but when the time had come and the questions were brought round to him, even a lack of focus did not seem to stop him from being at least appropriately familiar with the topics at hand.

"Yes. Gaki are those spirits consigned to Gaki Do for sins, frequently of desire, to work off the their kharmic debt within that realm until the time of their rebirth," he said, seeming to have a reasonable familiarity on the subject despite never having more than passingly read it. "But those consigned to Toshigoku are generally never seen to leave that realm in rebirth unless by the intervention of the fortune of mercy, Jizo."

When the subject of the elements came up, he simply nodded. Here, he was familiar by actual training and preparation. Entry into the Elemental Legions, as he had said several times in the past he had an interest in doing, generally meant becoming a Tensai. Focused study of the elements was practically to be expected. "There are, in fact no actual void kami. Only a true Ishiken could attempt to explain how their prayers interact with the void itself, but it is said that they commune with that elemental essence more directly, rather than with individual kami that require placation."


Required Rolls:
Lore: Ghosts, Unskilled. 1 Called Raise: 11 - Pass
Lore: Spirit Realms, Unskilled. 1 Called Raise: 10 - Pass
Lore: Elements, 1 Called Raise. Honor Roll: 17 - Pass

Net Result:
+3 Dojo Points. +1 Lore: Ghosts, +1 Lore: Spirit Realms, +1 Lore: Elements, +1 Intelligence
Phoenix Clan * Shugenja * Void * Sickly * Hypochondriac
Status: 2.0, Honor: What is Expected, Glory: 2.0
Topaz Points: 212
Carries: Sturdy Clothes, Scroll Satchel, Inquisitor's Strike (Wakizashi, counts as Jade), Jade netsuke

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Iuchi Prashant
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Re: Lore Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Iuchi Prashant » Tue Jun 30, 2020 6:25 pm

Despite having taken the time to meditate and train some more after the morning, his frustration with his failure in part of the morning's jiujitsu training was still visible as he arrived for the afternoon training.

However, seeing the monks and hearing the sensei say what exactly they would have to do quickly cheered him up - learning more about the world was always a good thing. He was slightly frustrated that the choice of subjects had nothing specific on his mother's people or on deeper or more obscure aspects of Shinsei's teachings, but he was still excited, and took the chance to learn at least about the continent from where his heritage came. For the other two subjects, he chose to study something about the natural world - he might spend considerable time in the wilds depending on where he was posted later - and some specific things about the nature of the elements. It wasn't Shinseism per se, but the elements were an important part of the Little Teacher's lessons, so it was close enough.

He took to the books gladly and intently, and it showed.

His performance in topics related to the natural world and its various denizens was good, but the themes where he really shone were precisely those with greater significance to him. His newly acquired knowledge about the Burning Sands as a whole were combined with stories he heard from his mom as a child and some things he remembered about the Tegensai, and his answers regarding the elements were interwoven with their significance in the Tao, making for a remarkable performance.

He was slightly frustrated that his enthusiasm didn't quite pick the monks' interest - they were apparently looking for someone who had previous knowledge of at least some of the things involved in the lesson. But he was really happy about all the new things he had learned, and left the training feeling much better than he did during the morning.


Day 3 Goat - Lore: Nature/ Int. 1 Raise, TN8. 3k3 unskilled: 3d10k3 13

Day 3 Goat - Lore: Gaijin (Burning Sands)/ Int. 1 Raise, TN8. 3k3 unskilled: 3d10k3 25

Day 3 Goat - Lore: Elements/ Int. 1 Raise, TN8. 3k3 unskilled: 3d10k3 25

+3 Dojo Points
+1 Lore: Nature
+1 Lore: Gaijin (Burning Sands)
+1 Lore: Elements
+1 Intelligence
Adult name: Iuchi Prashstam
Unicorn Clan * Shugenja/Artisan * "Pu-ra-what?" * Ascetic * Friendly smile * Monk-y

Honor: Exceptional * Status:1 * Glory:2.9 * Infamy: 0.5 * Topaz Pt: 211 (End D5)
Items: Purple/gray robes, sandals, trinket satchel, copy of the Tao, stone with 'cup' kanji.
Description Pt2
Speaking in Tegensai
Speaking in Ujik

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Re: Lore Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Vutall » Wed Jul 01, 2020 4:46 am

This event closes in 7 hours from this post.

Mai: +2 Dojo Points, +1 Lore: Spirit Realms, +1 Lore: Ghosts
Kokyou: +2 Dojo Points, +1 Lore: Gaijin (Pavarre), +1 Lore: Gaijin (Ivory Kingdoms)
Kaiu Aiichiro: +3 Dojo Points, +1 Intelligence, +1 Lore: Architecture, +1 Lore: Nonhuman Culture (Nezumi), Lore: Shugenja
Togashi Dao: +2 Dojo Points, +1 Lore: Spirit Realms, +1 Lore: Gaijin (Yobanjin)
Otomo Nobuko: +3 Dojo Points, +1 Intelligence, +1 Lore: Architecture, +1 Lore: Nature, +1 Lore: Spirit Realms
Kaito Haruki: +3 Dojo Points, +1 Intelligence, Lore:Nature, +1 Lore: Shugenja, +1 Lore:Spirit Realms
Yasuki Ginkarasu: +1 Dojo Point, +1 Lore: Architecture
Bayushi Jiro: +3 Dojo Points, +1 Intelligence, +1 Lore: Architecture, +1 Lore: Nature, +1 Lore: Spirit Realms
Yogo Otoko: +2 Dojo Points, +1 Lore: Ghosts, +1 Lore: Spirit Realms
Utaku Nesrin: +2 Dojo Points
Utaku Ichiro: +1 Dojo Point
Moto Ichiro: +2 Dojo Points, +1 Lore: Gaijin (Ivory Kingdoms)
Doji Sakura: +2 Dojo Points, +1 Lore: Nonhuman Culture (Nezumi), +1 Lore: Elements
Soshi Shiso: +3 Dojo Points, +1 Intelligence, +1 Lore: Architecture, +1 Lore: Ghosts, +1 Lore: Nature
Bayushi Kaidan: +3 Dojo Points, +1 Lore: Spirit Realms
Zashi: +2 Dojo Points
Isawa Tanshin: +3 Dojo Points, +1 Intelligence, +1 Lore: Ghosts, +1 Lore: Spirit Realms, +1 Lore: Gaijin
Kitsune Setsuna: +3 Dojo Points, +1 Intelligence, +1 Lore: Ghosts, +1 Lore: Nature, +1 Lore: Spirit Realms
Kakita Kenji: +1 Dojo Point, +1 Lore: Spirit Realms
Miya Wyn: +2 Dojo Points, +1 Lore: Nature, +1 Lore: Architecture
Asako Saburo: +3 Dojo Points, +1 Intelligence, Lore:Ghosts, +1 Lore: Elements, +1 Lore:Spirit Realms
Iuchi Prashant: +3 Dojo Points, +1 Intelligence, Lore:Nature, +1 Lore: Gaijin (Burning Sands), +1 Lore:Elements
Kuni Yatsuo: +3 Dojo Points, +1 Lore: Shugenja, +1 Lore: Ghosts, +1 Lore Spirit Realms, +1 Intelligence
Primary colors divide us and love us
Eye on the others surviving among us
American pie getting sliced up above us
Trickling down while we're dying of hunger.

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Kaito Kai
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Re: Lore Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Kaito Kai » Wed Jul 01, 2020 8:30 am

Lores! Kai knew lores. A very specific kind of lore, sure, but who's to say what one can or cannot learn in these sorts of things.

Kai read the material quickly, hoping they had remembered enough when the quizzing started. Surprisingly, even on the items not necessarily taught by the Kaito school, Kai was able to serendipitously call up missing information or make reasoned, correct, guesses.

Fate, perhaps, did have a hand in choosing specifically what things the miko-to-be ended up learning about, though...



D3 Goat - Lore Training - Spirit Realms/Int - CR TN8: 4d10o10k2 12 PASS
D3 Goat - Lore Training - Ghosts/Int AND Gaijin (Yobanjin) - CR, VP for skill TN8: 2#3d10o10k2 11 15

+3 Dojo Points
+1 to Lore: Spirit Realms, Ghosts, and Gaijin (Yobanjin)
+1 Intelligence
Phoenix Clan • Miko (Monk) • Fortunate • Pacifist • For Something Greater • A Bit Odd
Honor: What Is Expected | Status: 2.0 | Glory: 2.6 | Topaz Points: 34
Gear: Priests Robes, Sandals, Fan, Divination Tools, Yumi

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Matsu Qiang
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Re: Lore Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Matsu Qiang » Wed Jul 01, 2020 12:25 pm

[Catch up rolls for this event, at GM request]

“So, uhh, ghosts,” Matsu Qiang said, shuffling his feet uneasily. “There’s, uhh… eight? Yes, eight kinds. There’s yōkai, of course. Then greater yōkai. And, of course, lesser yōkai. And… um… medium-sized yōkai? Is that eight yet?” The young Lion squirmed under the monk’s steely gaze.

“Uhhh… did you know they don’t have feet?” he ventured.

Day 3 Lore Training #1 with 1 raise, INT/Lore: Gaijin (Yobanjin) TN8: 2d10 9 passed
Day 3 Lore Training #2 with 1 raise, INT/Lore: Ghosts TN8: 2d10 4 failed
Day 3 Lore Training #3 with 1 raise, INT/Lore: Spirit Realms TN8: 2d10 17 passed

Total 2 Dojo Points

+1 to Lore: Gaijin (Yobanjin)
+1 to Lore: Spirit Realms
Lion Clan • Competitor • Crab Hands • Strong • Betrothed
Status 1.0 • Glory 5.3 • Exceptional Honor

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Asako Sanzo
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Re: Lore Training (Mandatory Event)

Post by Asako Sanzo » Thu Jul 02, 2020 3:53 am

Sanzo is present, though his mind is clearly elsewhere. Anything he might have normally recalled seems to be lost behind a haze as he daydreams his way throughout the exams. Perhaps it was because of the weather? Whatever the case, the bushi was not on his game.


D3 Goat, L:Shugenja / Int: 1d10k1 3
D3 Goat, L:Spirit Realms / Int TN6: 1d10k1 1
D3 Goat, L:Elements / Int TN6: 1d10k1 5

A whopping +0 Dojo Points!
Phoenix Clan ✿ Bushi/Courtier ✿ Painter ✿ Friendly & Chill ✿ Honest ✿
Status: 0.5 | Glory: 0.5 | Honour: As expected
Equipment: Student clothes, Sandals, Straw Hat, Straw cloak, Fan, Lucky cricket

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