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Groggy wakings and heartfelt apologies

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 11:42 pm
by Kaito Haruki
Haruki had a lot to think about last night. He had been pestered by a bakeneko just before bed, was given a magical mask by it, and now has to find Asako Sabaru and Isawa Tanshin and apologize for missing the morning training. He had just enough energy to hide the mask so he could avoid any more accidents last night. Best to find them quickly, maybe they were outside training still.

Re: Groggy wakings and heartfelt apologies

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:11 am
by Isawa Tanshin
"Haruki-san!" Tanshin calls as he heads to the kitchen area. His hair hangs loosely about is shoulders, and is tasseled from bathing away the sweat from his early morning excecises.

"Are you feeling well after your... visit?" He was not familiar with the creature he had mentioned, but thought it best not to speak about it openly.

"I could have used your guidance earlier today, I think all I managed to learn was which way my own limbs do not turn."

Re: Groggy wakings and heartfelt apologies

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:23 am
by Kaito Haruki
"I am alright, just a little tired. It wasn't a violent sort of fellow, but it was bothersome. I am sorry I wasn't able to help you with your forms." He takes a second to glance over Tanshin-San to check for any visible discomfort.

Re: Groggy wakings and heartfelt apologies

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 6:21 am
by Asako Saburo
Saburo was present, having been about to get something to eat. "We had been training with a Mantis I had arranged for a practice session with. I honestly did not remember having set a formalized training session for today with the two of you specifically. I thought that was just the two of you officially, but no matter. Pay it no mind. Why don't we get some rice while we talk?" he said, motioning to the dining areas.

Re: Groggy wakings and heartfelt apologies

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:25 am
by Kaito Haruki
"Can we take it with us, I wish to discuss Phoenix clan matters without having others bother us."

Re: Groggy wakings and heartfelt apologies

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:47 am
by Asako Saburo
"If there are matters of import I can wait on food a moment or two longer. Let us address those, rather than trying to concentrate on other matters." He grunted, making a hand motion for the other to continue. "Are we expecting the other Kaito to join us, or will you inform them separately?" He wasn't fussed either way.

Re: Groggy wakings and heartfelt apologies

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 8:10 am
by Kaito Haruki
"Let's not bother her" (whispering) "Help me find Asako sensei, I need to get her assistance on this matter".

Re: Groggy wakings and heartfelt apologies

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 9:46 am
by Asako Saburo
"Of course. I'm certain that both of us can get you to her office and you can leave your message with her. If it is important enough to involve her, then it cannot wait." He was firm in that. If this was a matter for their superiors, then it was best not to wait on it. They had not completed their gempukku. Heroics were for adults.

Re: Groggy wakings and heartfelt apologies

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 10:26 am
by Vutall
It didn't take long for them to reach the sensei barracks

Re: Groggy wakings and heartfelt apologies

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 10:35 am
by Kaito Haruki
Haruki got himself to look presentable on the way there; smoothing out wrinkles with his hand, thinks hard about the words he will use, and remembers how his senpais would report to the head of the dojo when they reported to him. Once he reached the senseis' barracks, he checks to see if everyone else is ready to go in and pulls the bag holding the mask.

Re: Groggy wakings and heartfelt apologies

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 10:43 am
by Asako Saburo
Saburo raised an eyebrow at the bag, but decided to wait for explanations for once they were speaking with the Asako. he looked over at Tanshin and nodded. Making sure everything was in order with them as well. He was as presentable and immaculate as he could be, though he felt the need to bathe soon after the morning's exercises.

Re: Groggy wakings and heartfelt apologies

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 10:59 am
by Kaito Haruki
Seeing the others are ready, Haruki announces his presence. "Asako-sensei, Isawa Haruki of House Kaito requesting your audience."

Re: Groggy wakings and heartfelt apologies

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:20 am
by Isawa Tanshin
Tanshin pulled his hair back to give himself a neater appearance. He returns Saburo's nod.
Here we go.

Re: Groggy wakings and heartfelt apologies

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:23 am
by Vutall
The sensei comes out from her room and bows to the three students.

"Hello, what may I help you three with this morning?"

Re: Groggy wakings and heartfelt apologies

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:29 am
by Kaito Haruki
Haruki stumbles on his words for a second, overthinking what he would say, and rolls his neck before finally speaking. "I need to admit a short-coming of mine. Can we speak in a place other than the hallway?"

D3 Hare: Etiquette/Awareness: 2d10o10k1 3

Re: Groggy wakings and heartfelt apologies

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:35 am
by Vutall
The sensei nods and motions for them to all follow her to a private studying room set aside. Once inside and the door closed, she takes a seat and beckons everyone to do the same.

"What is this about, Isawa-no-Kaita-san?"

Re: Groggy wakings and heartfelt apologies

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:37 am
by Asako Saburo
He bowed to the Asako and then glanced over at the Kaito with a raised eyebrow. Ok, this was ... well, he'd slept in, so maybe that was related? For the moment he kept his tongue. It was Haruki who was speaking after all. Once directed to, he followed along and stood at the side of the room, watching Haruki with a curious eye, given that he had no idea what this was actually about.

Re: Groggy wakings and heartfelt apologies

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:41 am
by Kaito Haruki
"Last night, I, along with 3 other students not in this room, were pestered by a spirit from the realm of Sakkaku, a bakeneko. It temporarily transformed us into various animals and had us try to catch it to recover our bodies. We succeeded, and it gave each of us one these for doing so." Haruki then pulls out of the bag a spare shirt, which he then unwraps to reveal a mask which resembles a cat's face.

Re: Groggy wakings and heartfelt apologies

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:49 am
by Vutall
The sensei raises her eyebrows at the story and looks at the mask for a moment before taking it gingerly into her hands.

"Tell me more of what happened. Did the spirit say anything about this mask?"

Re: Groggy wakings and heartfelt apologies

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:54 am
by Kaito Haruki
"Yes, it said that you could turn into an animal the mask depicts if you wore it and did a somersault. It also warned if you spent too long as one, your spirit would swap places with one from its realm. There was no telling what that meant exactly, but I advised the other students not to use it. Hopefully they are having a similar conversation as we speak. I am sorry I did not have the foresight to avoid this from happening."