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Defend Yourself!

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:05 pm
by Mai
Apparently, Mai had impressed the Lion from the day before and earned some extra lessons. Or maybe the Lion was impressed at how poorly she did. Well, either way, extra training is extra training. So, Mai waited for the Sensei in the dojo and whoever else would show up.

Re: Defend Yourself!

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:16 pm
by Miya Wyn
Wyn had also apparently impressed the Lion sensei, though it was more that He did very well on everything BUT one skill and the sensei felt he had potential, if only he had a few extra lessons in his weak area. Wyn showed up when asked and smiled seeing the Mantis. He bowed low, "Mantis san, pleasant afternoon, no?"

Re: Defend Yourself!

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:26 pm
by Mai
Mai bows.

"Hello. I am Mai, of the Mantis Clan. It is a pleasure."

Re: Defend Yourself!

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:34 pm
by Vutall
The old Lion general enters the dojo and bows to the front before stepping onto the mat.

"There's time for chat later. Come now, gather round so I can teach you how to live longer than an ashigaru fresh on the field."

Re: Defend Yourself!

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:42 pm
by Miya Wyn
"Hai Sensei, that would be most helpful, the long I live the more maps I can make to help the Empire!"

Re: Defend Yourself!

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:48 pm
by Vutall
"That's the spirit, Miya-san. Now, do some stretches while we wait to see if anyone else wants my tutelage."

Re: Defend Yourself!

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:50 pm
by Mai
Mai moves quickly into attention bowing to the Lion. "Hai, Sensei. Living sounds like a good plan." After he says to do stretches, Mai does though with all the activity she has, she feels pretty stretched out as it is.

Re: Defend Yourself!

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 1:06 pm
by Miya Wyn
Wyn begins his basic stretching routine, moving through the katas that loosen the muscles and prepare the spirit for strenuous activity.

Re: Defend Yourself!

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 2:46 am
by Iuchi Prashant
Prash is back at the dojo. His sparring match the last day had shown him some ways in which he might improve, in both attack and defence, and he was intent on working to improve.

As he looks at the Dojo, he sees Mai, a young boy he hadn't met before, and the Lion sensei from the previous day starting some training. He thought he heard something about "teaching them how to live longer than an Ashigaru"... so he gets a bit closer and bows first to the students, then low to the sensei.

"Akodo-sensei, excuse me. Might this one observe or join in your training? This one has much to learn regarding survivability."

(joining for RP reasons and to count as further training in Defence only, if that's ok!)

Re: Defend Yourself!

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 3:01 am
by Vutall
"The key to surviving is to be aware of every move your opponent may make, to anticipate it, and to exploit it."

Seeing the Iuchi, he motions for them to come over.

"Miya-san and Mantis-san, prepair yourself to be struck. Iuchi-san, please bring me two bokken and join me in testing their defenses."

Re: Defend Yourself!

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 3:22 am
by Iuchi Prashant
"Hai, Sensei! I'll do my best.", the Iuchi says and moves to do as instructed.

Re: Defend Yourself!

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 3:57 am
by Miya Wyn
Wyn steps into full defense stance, preparing himself for the strikes coming.

D2 Rooster Full Defense: 3d10o10k2 24

15 Base TN +12 = 27 TN

Re: Defend Yourself!

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 8:59 am
by Mai
Mai bows to the Unicorn. "Good to see you again Iuchi-san."

At the Akodo's orders, she takes a Full Defense stance.

TN: 14

D2 Rooster: Defense/Reflexes: 1d10 7

Re: Defend Yourself!

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 9:30 am
by Iuchi Prashant
"Good to see you too, Mai-san", Prashant says with a smile and a quick bow as he brings back the boken and hands one to the sensei, bowing to him again. "Akodo-sensei, here it is"

Re: Defend Yourself!

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 10:24 am
by Vutall
"Good, now, strike Mantis-san!"

He takes a posture and sizes Wyn up, waiting for a moment

Re: Defend Yourself!

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 10:28 am
by Iuchi Prashant
The Iuchi gets the Boken in his hands, slightly unsure for a moment, but soon says "Hai, Akodo-san!" and moves forward to strike at Mai.

He tries not to leave a clear opening on his own defense for the first strike, but also doesn't find an opening in the Mantis' defense.

Day 2 Rooster - Kenjutsu/ Agility strking Mai during Defense training. 2k1: 2d10o10k1 8

Re: Defend Yourself!

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 10:32 am
by Vutall
Eiko waits til the Iuchi strikes, seeing if the Miya would be disrtacted before he made his attack, a low strike at the hip.

D2 Rooster Kenjutsu/Agi: 9d10o10k4 40

D2 Rooster Str/Bokken, keeping lowest: 3d10o10l1 5 damage

Re: Defend Yourself!

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 10:38 am
by Miya Wyn
Wynn Winces at the strike, not being quite as ready as he thought he was, still he moves to defense stance again prepared for another blow not letting his guard down.

D2 Rooster Full Defense: 3d10o10k2 28

15+14=29 TN

Re: Defend Yourself!

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 10:41 am
by Vutall
Eiko holds up his hand to stop.

"Good, Mantis-san. Miya-san, let us go over why you were hit..."

He then goes over the strike multiple times very slowly so Wyn can watch and observe how to move around it or block it.

Re: Defend Yourself!

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:03 am
by Mai
Mai interjects a couple times asking about different points and different stances she had seen Mantis bushi take.